When you can really be your weird, silly self, a true friend would...
Accept you as you are!
A friend who always wants to compete with you is toxic because...
constantly worrying can be exhausting!
The first step in "breaking up" with a toxic friend is...
I would have never learned about Naruto or anime, without friendship teaching me...
new things.
Alex's cat's name is...
When you experience a really rough time, and need to talk, a true friend would...
really listen!
A friend who spreads gossip behind your back is toxic because...
it is not loyal or trustworthy!
If you don't want to do something your friend wants to do, you have the right to...
say "no!"
I think and feel good about who I am, when friendship helps to...
build my self-esteem.
Andrew's favorite sound is...
When you make a mistake, and apologize, a true friend would...
NOT hold a grudge!
A friend that ditches plans with you last minute all the time, can be toxic because...
it can kill your confidence in them!
If you want to hang out with different friends on the weekend, you have the right to...
have those other friends without jealousy!
I wasn't sure if I could make the choir, but my friends encouraged me and...
motivated me to reach my goals!
Jose and Emma have older ________ that have been in TABS.
When you make the A squad football team, but your friend made B squad, a true friend would...
A friend who bosses you around can be toxic because...
it crosses a boundary, and makes you feel less than.
If you want to go to a different school than your friend because it's ultimately better for you, you have the right to...
trust your friend wants the best for you!
When I lost my cat, I needed someone to turn to. Friendship helped me...
with the loss.
How many sons does Ms. Saldana have?
When you are cheating on a test for the first time, to try and get ahead, a true friend would...
tell it like it is.
A friend who dares you to do something you're uncomfortable with, can be toxic because...
friends should be supportive and bring out the best in us!
The second step to "breaking up" with a toxic friendship is...
When I'm feeling alone, I can turn to a friend who gives me...
a sense of belonging.
Ms. Rosenblum!