You Will Be My Friend!
Good Listening
Not My Teacher
Lies, Lies, Lies
Your yells out at lunch, "Hey, don't sit with Ben! Sit with me here!" This is a type of bullying.
What is excluding or leaving someone out on purpose.
We can make our friends feel important by doing this.
What is listening to what they have to say.
This is what happens when a classmate says, "Sit down and be quiet!"
What is bossing a classmate around.
This is what has to happen for friends to get over being mad at each other.
What is talking about what they are mad about and working out the problem.
This is what people do when they want to break trust with other people.
What is lie.
Your classmate whispers to you during a quiz and asks for your help with an answer. They tell you if you tell them they will be your best friend.
What is cheating and/or not being a good friend.
What you do to encourage another person to talk about things he or she is interested in.
What is ask questions about what he or she is interested in or what they do for fun.
This is what happens when a classmate says, "Remember you said you would play with me today on the playground! Remember, remember?," over and over.
What is nagging or pestering.
This is what needs to happen if two friends try to talk out a problem and still end up being mad about it.
What is tell an adult that can help you sort it out.
This is something that is very important in a friendship. Without it, friends are not truly great friends.
What is trust.
Your friend tells you that if you go to another friend's house after school they will no longer be your friend.
What is not being a good friend.
This is what you do for a person when they say they are upset or sad.
What is try to make them feel better by listening and asking questions.
This is when your friend says, "You can't get ice cream today! I heard your mom tell you when I was at your house yesterday! Remember?"
What is nagging or bossing around.
This is what you do if you know that you did or said something that was wrong to your friend.
What is apologize or say, "I'm sorry."
This is what is happens when a person promises to do something and they do what they promised.
What is beginning to trust that person or like that person as a friend.
Your friend says, "Let's play keep away from Sally in PE today! Don't let her have the ball. If you are my friend you will do it."
What is bullying Sally and not being a good friend.
This is what you do when you are trying to show a friend that you have heard what they said.
What is repeating back what they just said (called, "reflective listening).
This is when your classmate says in PE, "Get moving! You are always the slowest in line!"
What is bossing around.
This is what you do if your friend admits that they were wrong and says, "I'm sorry."
What is you forgive them or say, "That's okay."
This is when a person says, "You can tell me your secret and I promise I won't tell anyone." Then, they tell anyway.
What is a lie or breaking a promise.
Your friend says, "Sometimes I get so mad I just want to hurt everyone in this school! I know I can trust you not to tell anyone I said that. As long as you are my friend I won't hurt anyone."
What is something you need to tell an adult about right away no matter what your friend says to try and keep you quiet!
You would not do this if your friend said, "I don't like for people to hug me without asking first."
What is hug my friend without asking.
This is what happens when someone blurts out and another student says, "Be quiet! We are not supposed to blurt!"
What is bossing around and being a busy body.
This is what you say if your friend says, "I'm sorry," and you think that you may have done or said something wrong too.
What is say, "I am sorry too."
This person is always nice to the other person no matter who is around. They don't tell lies and they keep their promises.
What is a good friend.