You should never _________a friend. You should talk to them first.
What is accuse or blame.
When a friend is not listening, you say
What is please listen or listen please.
An uncool friend may ________to you.
What is lie.
Friend... F is for
What is Fun.
1,2,3 ________
What is eyes on me.
Sharing is _____________.
What is caring.
When you bump into a friend, you say
What is excuse me or sorry.
A true friend will A) try to convince you to do something you don't want, or B) be sensitive to your wants and needs.
What is B.
R is for
What is Respectful.
Alligator. chomp, chomp, chomp
Do say _________ things about your friends.
What is nice/kind.
It is ______ to share secrets.
What is not kind or unkind.
I is for
What is interesting.
Mrs. M's middle name
What is_ none?
Do use the ------ steps when solving a problem
What is the 4 steps
Spell Friendship
When we feel like we can't _____ somebody, we start not to believe what they say, and come to not rely on what they do either.
What is trust.
E is for
What is exciting.
What is 1.
Don't tell other Champs they can't ______.
What is play.
The definition of this word___ is not everyone getting the same thing, but getting what they need.
What is fair?
N is for
D if for Down to ___________
What is Nice?
What is Down to earth?
Once a Champions, ___________________
What is always a Champion!