Middle School
Conflict Resolution

True or False: Once you reach a certain age, you do not have to worry about how to make friends.

False; friendships skills will always be a part of one's life.


Good goals, learning ways of communication, developing friendships.

What are some tools and skills you'll learn in middle school?


True or False: Conflict resolution disappears after you graduate from high school. 

False, this will an ongoing skill that can be used in the rest of your life.


True or False: You can communicate with everyone exactly the same, there is no distinct difference in who you communicate wit. 

What is false, you communicate differently depending on the person that you are talking to. 


You approach a new group of students and want to introduce yourself. You say your name and what grade you're in.

What is something you can do when meeting new friends?


True or False: There is no growth in a friendship once you hit middle school, you will remain friends with the same person.

False, friendships will evolve.


Speaking politely, eye contact, using good manners, speaking clearly.

What is a good method of communicating with others.


Talking in a more laid back tone and able to joke around versus being polite and respectful tone.

What is the difference between communicating with your friends versus a teacher or staff.


Different things you are interested in, new friends, new classes and rotations, growing up, etc.

What some things that will change in a friendship in middle school?


Responsibility and more freedom

What is one of the major differences in middle school versus elementary school?

There are many things; talk to them, talk to other friends to see if something is wrong, give them a break, and talk to a trusted adult.

How do you handle a friend that you believe is not being a good friend?


True or False: Communication skills are not something that you can improve on, you are just born with them.

False, communication skills are always developing even into your adult years.


Kindness, loyalty, has your back, funny, have things in common, knows your boundaries, etc.

What are characteristics you look for a friend.


True or False: Middle school is the time when everything changes including you as a person.

Could be either, you will change as a person in middle school, but that does not mean everything.


One of your friends decides that they want to exclude you for the day. They do not give you a reason. The next day, everything is back to normal. You decide to...

You could talk to them about what the issue was, determine if they are a good friend, and think about what you have determined you like in a friendship.

True or False: Communicating is ALWAYS going to ensure that everything will work out.

False, even though you communicate well with a friend, it may not work out. (AND THAT'S OKAY)


This is one of the most noted characteristics that we discussed that we would want in a friendship. 

What is someone that is loyal.


This is one of the biggest changes that you will encounter when you enter middle school. 

What is you as a person.


Friends have started a rumor about you and you are not sure why. You have tried speaking with them and they still continue to spread these rumors. You decide to...

What is speaking to a trusted adult at school or at home.


This type of communication is necessary for creating healthy friendships.

What is open communication.
