Clarity, honesty, and good intention.
What is Transparency?
Beyond Meat equivalent of textiles.
What is 'bio-based materials'?
What we mainly promote at Frivolous Textiles.
What is 'Upcycling'?
93 billion cubic meters of _____(fill in blank) is used by the fashion industry every year, enough for 5 million people.
What is 'Water'?
Substitutes that have been fermented and grown by innovators to replace materials sourced from livestock.
What is 'bio-based materials'?
Limits to technology, infrastructure, and the quality of fabrics mean that in reality, only 1% of ALL clothing items actually end up getting ___.
What is 'Recycling'?
What we need is to see a major _____________(fill in the blank) for the environment’s health and equity in the industry.
What is 'Structural Change'?
Textile sector is responsible for 20% of _____(fill in blank) use.
What is 'Pesticide'?
Misinformation spread by private actors in the process of selling a product or services, and who describe their products as more sustainable than the competition or another product.
What is 'greenwashing'?
You want to sell a pair of socks you blackmailed your dear old grandmother into making. To sell, you say they she was ‘offered promotional media in exchange for cheaply produced goods’.
What is 'Transparency'?
Combatting the best PR assets available to companies.
What is 'critically analyzing what they’re saying and compare it to their actions and see the disconnection'? (some other answers still accepted)
Equivalent to 50 billion plastic bottles is dumped into the ocean yearly.
What is 'Microfibers'?
The norm in fashion media. Claiming to be for something but placing the onus on consumers.
What is 'do as I say, not as I do'?
The resale and rental industry are strategies that have had minimal impact on overall carbon emissions.
What is 'New Business Models'?
Four ways companies have attempted to become 'sustainable'.
What is 'Transparency, Recycling, Bio-based Materials, and New Business Models'?
Fashion industry produces ___%(fill in blank) of humanity's carbon emissions.
What is '10%'?