How many legs does a butterfly have?
Where does the butterfly lay her eggs?
on leaves
How do all butterflies begin their lives?
as eggs
What is something special that a butterfly can do with it's feet?
What does a butterfly use it's proboscis for?
for drinking nectar
What is the last stage of the life cycle?
What is the name of a butterfly's tongue?
How many wings does a butterfly have?
What shape does a butterfly make when it hangs?
J shape
Name the three parts of the butterfly's body
head, thorax, abdomen
What do the butterly's wings look like when it first emerges from the chrysalis?
wet and wrinkled
What is the name of the butterfly's coccoon?
What does a butterfly use it's antenna for?
to smell
What is on a butterfly's wings that give it color?
How many days does a butterfly stay in the chrysalis?
7-10 days