
What does the word tasty mean in the sentence below? 

After school, Mother always gives us a tasty snack. 

A soft 

B colorful 

C good for you 

D with a good flavor

D. with a good flavor


What does the word pod mean in the sentence below? 

A seed pod fell on the ground below the tree. 

F nectar 

G pollen grain 

H small tree trunk 

I covering that grows around a seed

I. covering that grows around a seed


Who is the author of this article? 

A a plant 

B Gail Gibbons

C Fred Gibbons 

D From Seed to Plant

B. Gail Gibbons


How does the author let readers know about the different parts of a flower? 

F by writing a poem about it 

G by labeling the parts on a picture

H by telling readers to look in another book 

I by telling readers to picture it in their minds

G. by labeling the parts on a picture


Which word BEST completes the sentence below?

Miss Ward _______ us apples from her tree.

 A gave 

B give 

C gived

A. Gave


Which word BEST completes the sentence below? 

When you ______ “go,” I will start the race. 

F said 

G say 

H sayed

G. Say


What does the word soak mean in the sentence below? 

You must soak the shirt overnight to get out grass stains. 

A sew together 

B cover with dirt 

C make completely dry 

D make completely wet

D. make completely wet


What does the word root mean in the sentence below? 

The plant grew a very long root. 

F the plant part above ground 

G the plant part under the soil

H the plant part that has flowers 

I the plant part that catches pollen

G. the plant part under the soil


What must happen FIRST before a seed can begin to grow? 

A It must have soil. 

B It must be pollinated.

C It must have a pod or fruit. 

D It must have plenty of water.

B. It must be pollinated.


What sometimes happens when birds eat berries? 

F The birds cannot fly. 

G The birds drop the seeds.

H The seeds pop out and hit the birds. 

I The birds grow seeds in their feathers.

G. The birds drop the seeds.


Which word BEST completes the sentence below? 

Yesterday, Rudy ______ a meat pie for lunch. 

A ate 

B eat 

C eated

A. Ate


Which word BEST completes the sentence below? 

Who ______ the last piece of cake? 

F take 

G taked 

H took

H. Took


What does the word shoot mean in the sentence below? 

A plant’s leaves grow on its shoot. 

A food that is stored inside a seed 

B the plant part that pokes out of the ground

C seeds with hooks that stick to an animal’s fur 

D the plant part that takes in minerals from the soil

B. the plant part that pokes out of the ground


What does the word sculptures mean in the sentence below? 

Some artists use stone or clay to make forms called sculptures. 

F a kind of toy 

G tools artists use 

H buildings in a city 

I artwork that has a shape

I. artwork that has a shape


Which idea belongs in the empty box? 

A  A root grows down.

B  New flowers bloom. 

C  The plant is pollinated. 

D  The plant is fully grown.

A.  A root grows down.


What is the section called A “FROM SEED TO PLANT” PROJECT about? 

F  how to plant a tree 

G  how to grow a garden 

H  how to cook bean soup 

I  how to raise bean plants

I.  how to raise bean plants


Which word BEST completes the sentence below? 

Our neighbors ______ us pears from their tree each fall. 

A gaved 

B give 

C gived

B. Give


Which word BEST completes the sentence below? 

Byron hardly______ a word in class today. 

F said 

G say 

H sayed

F. Said


What does the word hue mean in the sentence below? 

Clay can be red, gray, or gold in hue. 

A color

B feel 

C smell 

D taste

A. color


What does the word texture mean in the sentence below? 

Lisa used thick, knobby yarn to give her weaving a rough texture. 

F the way something tastes 

G the way something moves 

H the way something looks and feels

I the way something smells and sounds

H. the way something looks and feels


Why do you need paper in the jar with your bean seeds? 

A  to look pretty 

B  to hold the dirt 

C  to clean the glass 

D  to hold the beans against the glass

D.  to hold the beans against the glass


Why do you MOST LIKELY remove the bean plants from the glass and plant them in soil? 

F  The glass gets dirty. 

G  Plants grow best in soil.

H  The paper in the glass tears. 

I  The glass takes up too much space.

G.  Plants grow best in soil.


Which word BEST completes the sentence below? 

Every year, we ______ our dog for a checkup. 

A take 

B taked 

C tooked

A. Take


Which word BEST completes the sentence below? 

Jamie and Sally each _______ a banana every day. 

F ated 

G eat 

H eated

G. Eat


What does the word mane mean in the sentence below? 

Tim brushed his horse’s long mane until it was shiny and silky. 

A hair along the neck 

B hard cover on the feet 

C soft skin around the nose 

D light-colored marking on the face

A. hair along the neck


What does the word nibbles mean in the sentence below? 

The rabbit nibbles lettuce right out of my hand. 

F takes little bites

G plays a quiet game 

H feels with whiskers 

I licks something clean

F. takes little bites


How are the two articles “From Seed to Plant” and “Super Soil” ALIKE? 

A Both are about corn. 

B Both are about deserts. 

C Both are about flower gardens. 

D Both are about how plants grow.

D. Both are about how plants grow.


Which belongs on the blank line? 

F has a map about deserts 

G has a chart about kinds of soil

H has a diagram of a desert plant 

I has a picture of a bee pollinating a plant 

G. has a chart about kinds of soil


Which word BEST completes the sentence below? 

Earlier today, our teacher______ us a test. 

A gave 

B give 

C gived

A. Gave


Which word BEST completes the sentence below? 

Last week, I ______ my brother to a show. 

F take 

G taked 

H took

H. Took
