A clothing item every person entering the Jungle needs
Monthly tuition: Gym/GymKids & Tumble Toddlers
Monthly tuition: Dance & Tots/Tutus
Monthly tuition:Swim & Waterbabies
What are the 5 Top Priority Tasks; When should they be done?
1. Check Red Book, 2. Online Enrollments, 3. Online Activity Approvals/Dismissals, 4. Tuition Calls, 5. Daily Task Assignment
At the start of shift & during slow times
Every Adult (18+) needs to sign this
The waiver form
Base Levels: GymKids and Gymnastics/TnT
Teeny Toucans: 3 years, Mini Monkeys: 4 Years, Little Lemurs: 5 Years
Gymnastics Level 1
TnT Level 1
What is the youngest age we start Dance?
What class can they join?
2 1/2 years old
Tots & Tutus, parent assisted class
WaterBabies begins at this age:
They transition to Swimming at this age:
WaterBabies: 0-3 years old
Swimming: At 3 years old, they transition to class without a parent
When I write a physical note to a Director, I should:
Put a note on the Family Account summarizing the physical note
Describe the Active Family Pass
A digital 4 punch-pass for a SPECIFIC child, expires 30 days after purchase
Gymnastics (gym/tnt & gymkids) need to have these items by 3rd lesson
Female Attire: Leotard & Gym Shoes
Male Attire: Easy to move clothes & Gym Shoes
Dance needs to have these items by 3rd lesson
Female Attire: Dance Leotard & Ballet Shoes
Male Attire: Easy to move clothes & Ballet Shoes
This age can float between our two Swimming age groups (3-5 y/o "P" & 6-12 y/o)
6 years olds can float between the "P" levels and the older levels
New iClass Enrollments: what is our roll? how do we complete this roll?
Fill out the NiCE Form when contacting-
SW/Left Voicemail regarding: Day/Time, AutoPay Policy, Drop Policy. Enabling Email & Text (w/ approval)
Leave note on account about contact made.
Describe the Family Pass
Pass on family account (under guardian) when family is enrolled in 3 or more classes.
The Family Pass can be used for any student in Family on the days they have class
Moving from T-N-T to Gymnastics: what level is correct? Why?
Gymnastics Level 1. The student has no experience on Bars or Beam, only Floor and Tramps.
Base levels for: 3 y/o, 4 y/o, 5&6 y/o, 7 y/o
3: Daisies
4: Poppies
5&6: Roses or Musical Minis
7: Ballet 1 or Musical Mix
Who qualifies for a Swim Evaluation?
Children 6 years old & older with previous swimming experience
What is the difference between Gymnastics Shoes & Ballet Shoes
Gym Shoes: Soft Suede on bottom, fit like a sock. Helps prevent slipping on bars/beams
Ballet Shoes: Leather on bottom to help prevent slipping on Dance floor
Describe the Unlimited Summer Play Pass & when it is valid for use
A digital punch-pass for a SPECIFIC child, valid for Unlimited play, any day of the week, for the whole Summer
Valid: June 17th-August 31st
Can 6 year-olds float between GymKids & Gymnastics if needed?
We consider enrolling 6 Y/O in GymKids when?
Students who may speak ESL or may need extra attention (spectrum or learning disabilities)
What is the difference between the Winter Recital & the Spring Recital
Winter= lowkey, in-house, Holiday themed
Summer= bigger production, held at Fort Vancouver HS's Theater, New Theme every year, Costumes!
Explain the differences between Semi-Private Lessons VS Private Lessons- what is the cost?
Semi-Private Lessons are for 2 kids from the same family- $130/child
Private Lessons are for 1 child, 1 on 1 time with coach- $260/child
Describe the First Time Family Guarantee
New students can try up to 3 classes!
If you are not satisfied, we will credit your class tuition to your Kids Club account (registration fees are non creditable).