What is a freeze fee?
Out front on the grass & the back parking lot
What are the 2 evacuation points?
16 with ID
What is the minimum age to enter the club?
Calling the last up MA to cover for another
What is a needs coverage?
The name of the paper company they work for in the show, "The Office."
What is Dunder Mifflin?
Pausing for 2 consecutive months
What is the length of a non-medical freeze?
Run, hide, fight
What is the procedure if there’s an active shooter?
Form used to upgrade/downgrade/transfer memberships
What is an EFT?
A non-member calling the club asking membership questions
What is a phone up?
Pasadena, CA
What was the first club open in CA?
6 months comped freeze
What is a medical freeze?
Logging an incident in LPMS through Connect
How do you file an incident report?
Know your members, listen to your members, see through their eyes, exceed expectations, every interaction is make or break
What are the high fives?
A non-member comes in and asks for a specific MA
What is an ask for?
What is, equinox clubs nationwide.
Relocation & Medical
What are acceptable reasons to cancel within obligation?
Loss Prevention Management System
$250 upgrade fee
What is the Destination Executive upgrade fee?
A non-member comes in and hasn’t spoken to anyone
What is a walk in?
LeBron James captained this team to NBA championship in 2013.
What is Miami Heat?
Paying your monthly, then after 12 months, billing is held minus the freeze fee
What is the payment process of an in-obligation freeze?
Red binder
What is the location of the incident report forms?
September 23rd, 1991
When did Equinox first open?
A cancelled member of under 60 days, rejoins
What is a reinstate?
Marc Mastronardi
Who is the president of Equinox?