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Where should a student go for academic advising if they are undecided?
What is ACS
Where can students receive free tutoring in areas such as math and world languages?
What is the Learning Center on second floor of the Millar Library.
Where can students get information about the PSU insurance? What other services are found here?
What is SHAC. Dental, testing services, mind spa, free cough drops, pain relievers, and condoms.
Where can you find PSU’s Main Lost and Found? When someone leaves something at ACS, what do we do with it?
What is the CPSO Office in Shattuck Hall. If it is a small item we keep it behind the front desk. Any item such as phone, wallet, keys, we will keep until the end of the day then turn in to CPSO.
How do students avoid the health insurance fee?
What is waiving out! There is a deadline that student should be aware of but they can waive out online.
What are the four components of the University Studies program?
What is Freshman Inquiry, Sophomore Inquiry, Junior Clusters, and Senior Capstone
Where should students go if they want to get involved with the preferred name and pronoun awareness, reading cool books, and the LGBTQA community on campus?
What is the Queer Resource Center SMSU 458
What resource oversees all student groups?
What is SALP
What are the four types of Bachelor degrees offered at PSU?
What is Bachelor of Science, Arts, Fine Arts, and Music
When is tuition due?
When is the 6th of the month after term begins
What is the major purpose of the Urban Honors program? What is their senior assignment?
What is preparing the student for their master’s program/grad school. They do a senior thesis.
Where can students go to get help with their writing?
What is the Writing Center in Cramer Hall
Who supports La Casa Latina, Native American Student and Community Center, and the Multicultural Center?
What is DMSS (Diversity and Multicultural Student Services)
Name the locations of two blue phones on campus, what do they do?
What is Between Nueberger and Smith, in the Park Blocks, etc. they call CPSO and Portland Police
How much does the PSU health insurance cost per term for 2015-2016?
What is $776
How many credits do you need in order to graduate? How many of those need to be upper division?
What is 180 total credits, 72 upper division
Where should a student go to meet with an Interpersonal Violence Counselor, read some books, or get free pads and tampons?
What is the Women's Resource Center in Montgomery Hall
Who should International Students talk to about support?
What is the Office of International Student and Scholar Services in East Hall room 101
Name your top 3 favorite food carts
What is La Casita and two others
How can students avoid fees from the PSU payment plan?
What is signing up for the plan and paying the first installment the same date tuition is due.
What hold is only cleared through ACS? What is this hold commonly confused with by students?
What is the Academic Warning Hold. Commonly confused with the Financial Aid quiz on banweb.
Where can a student get something notarized on campus? What else does this resource do?
What is Student Legal Services
What are the two PSU residence halls where freshmen can live? (excluding Stephen Epler for Urban Honors students)?
What is Broadway and Ondine
Name 2 Rooftop garden/hangout spots on campus
What is Native Center, Rec Center 5th floor, Urban Center, etc.
When should a student fill out their Fafsa?
What is January 1st! They can input estimates or zeroes to turn it in immediately and then edit this info later.