Where did article 1 take place?
Where did article 2 take place?
Mississauga, Ontario
What is lethal force?
What caused the dash cam footage to be cut short?
The emergency lights were shut off
What mental illness did Ejaz Ahmed Choudry suffer with?
What is excessive force?
Any use of force that goes beyond what goes beyond what ordinary common sense dictates
What caused Mr. Prince to surrender after fleeing the traffic stop?
Officers service gun
What barrier was present making it difficult for Choudry to understand the risks?
Language barrier
The force that any person with ordinary common sense would exercise when put into the same situation as the officer
What response team launched an investigation after dash cam footage surfaced?
The Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT)
What information is the officer who shot Mr. Choudry failing to hand over to the SIU?
His notes
What is situational factors?
Environment factors beyond officer control
What percentage was Officer McPherson sure that officer Othen dug a key into the suspects neck?
What was the result in the case of 62-year-old Ejaz Choudry?
No charges
What is tactical factors?
skills/resources available to officers to help manage incidents