These types of fruit are naturally sectioned.
What are citrus fruits
When is a fruit ready to eat
What is when it is ripe
The minimum amount of fruit adults should eat per day
What is two cups
Fuzzy fruit that gets its color from chlorophyll.
What is a kiwi
Name for fruits with large pits in their centres
What are drupes
The Blue Java is this type of fruit
What is banana
Small fruit with high Vitamin C content
Naturally-occurring compounds that turn fruit red
What is lycopene
This fruit contains red, jewel-like seeds
What is a pomegranate
The scientific study of fruits
What is pomology
Fruit with the highest fibre content
Naturally-occurring compounds that turn fruit purple
What are flavonoids
Over 7000 varieties of this fruit are grown in the world
What is an apple
The only fruit with seeds on the outside
An essential vitamin many fruits provide
Fruit that does not continue to ripen if left on trees
These fruits are used to make black forest cake
What are cherries
Heat causes ripe oranges to turn this colour if left on trees
What is green
A fruit considered heart-healthy due to its potassium content
What are bananas
This popular salad vegetable is actually a fruit
What is a cucumber