I am the fruit of the plant, but I belong to the Vegetable food group. I am the primary ingredient needed to make spaghetti sauce. I am also a good source of vitamin C.
What is a tomato?
A nutrient found in carrots that is important for eyesight.
What is vitamin A?
I am a leaf that tastes good fresh from the garden or lightly steamed. Popeye eats me to energize his muscles.
What is spinach?
Berries that are a good source of potassium, fiber and vitamin C. Stir them into pancake batter for a real treat.
What are blueberries or blackberries?
A lot of people call me "white broccoli."
What is cauliflower?
A round fruit that is red, green or yellow, and loses its fiber when made into juice.
What is an apple?
This high-fiber vegetable is fresh off the cob.
What is corn?
This is a dish made by mixing leafy greens and other vegetables in a bowl.
What is a salad?
I am a large, pear-shaped dark purple vegetable that loves growing during summertime.
What is an eggplant?
A lot of people eat me fried, but the healthiest ways to eat me are baked or boiled. I am also very delicious when mashed! I am the root of the plant, more specifically I am a tuber.
What is a potato?
This fruit is sweet and juicy, has black seeds in it, grows on a vine and has a green rind.
What is a watermelon?
Melons like cantaloupe, watermelon and honeydew are harvested in this season.
What is summer?
I am a dark, leafy green vegetable, that is a good source of calcium and vitamin A. Hint: my name begins with the letter "K"
What is kale?
This is what you call juice that has no added sugar.
What is 100% fruit juice?
I am a crunchy vegetable that is like a potato and is the root of the plant. I've has been growing in Mexico for centuries. My name starts with a "J" and you might see me cut into sticks for school lunch on pizza day!
What is jicama?
This is a small, sweet red fruit that is packed with vitamin C and is harvested in late spring and summer. Unlike other fruits, it has seeds on the outside- eating them is a good source of fiber for your body.
What is a strawberry?
This is the name of a squash that is a good source of vitamin A. Hint: This is the 'Orange' category
What is pumpkin? (also winter squash like butternut, acorn or delicata)
I am a good source of vitamin C and look like a small tree.
What is broccoli?
Name a nutrient that is in fruits & vegetables and how it keeps us healthy.
What is.... Vitamin C- fights germs to prevent us from getting sick and also heals cuts and bruises. Vitamin A- helps our eyesight, especially our night vision. Fiber- sweeps through our digestive system to keep it clean, keeps us feeling full for longer, helps move cholesterol out of our body. Iron- keeps us feeling energized by helping to move oxygen throughout our body.
I am a vegetable with lots of layers. I also have a very pungent smell.
What is an onion?
A red vegetable that comes in a variety of other colors like orange, green and yellow. If you cut it in half, you'll find seeds on the inside. It contains more vitamin C than an orange or grapefruit.
What is a red bell pepper?
A sweet potato is an orange vegetable that has these two vitamins in it to help keep you healthy.
What are vitamins A and C?
I am in the Citrus Fruit family. I give your body lots of vitamin C to help you heal and fight germs. Hint: This is the 'Green' category
What is a Lime?
Special nutrients found in different colors of fruits and vegetables that FIGHT against chronic diseases that we could get as we get older like heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
What are phytochemicals (fight-o-chemicals)?
If you see these two words on a can of fruit, then you know it's a WHOA food.
What is "Heavy Syrup"?