2 liters which is equal to 6-8 glasses.
What are four types of citrus fruits.
Oranges Grapefruit Mandarins Limes Lemons
What does a red fruit/veggie contain?
A vitamin helps fight prostate cancer and heart disease.
Why should you put raw veggies in foods?
It is in its natural state and keeps all the nutrients in it.
What rosaceae fruit you can consume in the morning and it would give you more energy than coffee?
This fruit is the apple.
How to make eating fruits and vegetables easier at home?
To have snack sized fruit and vegetable portions in the fridge.
Types of Melons
Watermelons Honeydew Cantaloupes Rockmelons
What does a green vegetable contain?
It protects against age-related eye disease.
Why should you boil some veggies in your food?
They can get all grey and mushy so if you boil them it saves its nutrients in it.
This veggie is one of the most hated in the world even if its the best one for you because it haves any fats, calories and collesterol.
This are the Brussels sprouts.
Why is it important to eat fruits and vegetables for a healthy lifestyle?
It reduces obesity and maintains your weight. It also lowers your cholesterol and blood pressure.
Type of Marrow Veggies
Pumpkin Cucumber Zucchini
What does a blue and purple foods contain?
It helps protects the body from cancer.
Which method you have to use if you want soft and full of flavour vegtables?
You should use braising and stewing.
Which is the toxine contained in apples?
The cyanide
What is it better to eat raw vegetables and fruits?
It prevents your nutrients and chemicals in foods you eat from getting damaged.
Types of Leafy Greens
Lettuce Spinach Silverbeet
What does white foods contain?
This also helps protect them against cancers.
This is an easy way to cook veggies and you can use it with almost everything. You can cook vegtables this way indoors and outdoors.
This method is grilled.
If you eat this two veggies, you will be providing your body the same proteins as a beef steak.
This veggies are brocoli and pumpkin seeds.
What do you need nutrition for?
It's used for a source of nourishment, a component of food, for instance, protein, carbs, fat, vitamin, mineral, fiber, and water.
Four types of Stoned Fruit
Nectarines Apricots Peaches Plums
Why should you have all these colors on one plate?
So you can get a great combination of nutrients.
Stir-frying veggies comes from a diferent culture. Which one is it?
It comes from the asiatic culture.
Why are chefs trying to bring more purple carrots to the dinner table?
Because this color veggies contain anthocyanis.