Self Questioning
Skimming and Scanning
After reading a text, students examine the information they have collected about a character, and look into the crystal ball to see what lies in the future for that character.What is the name of this strategy?
Crystal Ball
Where would you find out more information about the 'Connecting' strategy?
First Steps Reading Resource Book, p115
What is one idea or template you could use to teach students to infer?
* introduce riddle telling so children begin to look for hidden meaning in a text. * build on their understanding of figurative language – idioms, similes, metaphors – so kids have a better understanding of what is not being directly stated. * create evidence/ inference T-Charts during modelled/ shared reading to explicitly teach how to draw conclusions. * character portraits help kids to use and combine their knowledge of the text with their prior knowledge.
To be able to self-question effectively readers will... What is one key skill?
* continually think of questions before, during and after reading. * understand that the answers may not always be in the text * ask questions about content, style, structure, important messages, events, actions, inferences, predictions and/ or author’s purpose to clarify meaning.
Glancing through material to locate or find specific details or information. In which reading strategy do you do this? Skimming or Scanning?
What is the definition of predict?
What might happen next
To organise information about what the student might know about a text before they read it, and after they read it. Also include a space for information they still want to find out about. What is the name of this activity idea?
Before and After Chart
Where would you find out more information about the 'Inferring' strategy?
First Steps Reading Resource Book, p117
Where would you find out more information about the 'Self-Questioning' strategy?
First Steps Reading Resource Book, p118
What are two purposes of skimming a text?
Any two of the answers below: To quickly assess whether a text is going to meet a purpose To determine what is to be read To determine what is important or irrelevant To activate prior knowledge To review text organisation
Where could you find out more information about Anticipation Guides?
First Steps Reading CD
To able to connect with the text effectively readers will... What is one key skill?
* making strong connections between their prior knowledge and the new information presented in a text * activate their own prior knowledge before reading * continually make connections as they read and refine their connections to the ones most relevant to the text
Spark sat in the window. She was staring at a small bird outside. The bird kept chirping and hopping around in the bushes. This hopping and chirping made the tip of Spark’s tail twist and turn. The rest of her kept still. If the window had not been in the way, Spark would have jumped right out with the bird. Use what you know and the information in the story. Draw a conclusion about what type of creature Spark is.
Spark is a cat.
What should you do to clarify students' understandings if using the 'Self-Questioning' strategy?
Encourage students to share their questions with the group before, during and after reading.
What is a good text to read when learning to skim read?
Newspapers are a good resource for skimming activities.
There are dark black clouds outside and the wind is blowing very hard. Make a prediction about the weather in a half hour.
It will be storming or raining.
Below are some questions students could ask themselves when using what particular strategy? What does this remind me of in another book I’ve read? How is this text similar to other things I’ve read? How is this different from other books I’ve read? Have I read about something like this before?
Text to Text Cennections
I was over 5,000 feet in the air. I jumped and felt the cold wind rush across my face. I looked down and saw that the small dots were getting bigger and bigger. I pulled a string and felt a jolt. Everything slowed down. Infer what this person was doing.
The person was skydiving with a parachute.
What is the name of the teaching idea where a teacher models after each page/ chapter along with discussion group to develop student’s ability to use questioning to clarify meaning?
Facts, Questions, Response (FQR)
What is the name of this teaching idea? 'In pairs students write questions based on a class text(article, chapter, pamphlet etc) they have read then the teacher collects and reads questions to whole class. Each group races the clock to scan for the correct answer from the text.'
Beat the buzzer Quiz
What are some things readers have to be able to do to predict?
* use clues in the text from pictures, illustrations, subtitles and plot * use their prior knowledge about the author, text form or content * justify their thoughts and feelings
What does a student have to do to make a Text to World Connection?
Students think about the world outside their own experiences, their family or community.
I leaned back in the chair and shut my eyes. When I heard the sound of the drill I slowly opened my mouth. "What a way to start a day!" I thought. What is the setting of this text? Remember the setting of a story is the when (time) and where (place) it happens.
At the Dentist's in the morning
What are some examples of questions you could use with your students?
How were ___ and ___ the same? Different? What do you think would happen if___? What do you think caused ___ to happen? What other solution can you think of for the problem of ___? What might have prevented the problem of ____ from happening? What are the strengths (or weaknesses) or ____?
Scan and record key words in this text in 15 seconds, can you paraphrase it? Scan and record key words in a piece of text within a time limit. Ask students to paraphrase the text themselves using some of the key words they have identified as a class. If they have paraphrased accurately they will have done well at scanning for the key words. A time limit is good.
Scan and record key words in a piece of text within a time limit. Ask students to paraphrase the text themselves using some of the key words they have identified as a class. If they have paraphrased accurately they will have done well at scanning for the key words. A time limit is good.