What does FSA stand for?
Flexible Spending Account
What does DCA stand for?
Dependent Care (Daycare) Account.
What does HSA stand for?
Health Savings Account
What does HRA stand for?
Health Reimbursement Account
What does LPFSA stand for?
Limited Purpose Flexible Spending Account
What types of expenses can you submit to the FSA?
You may submit: Medical, Dental, Vision, Rx and OTC.
Can a ppt submit medical expenses toward the DCA?
No, these funds are used for daycare expenses or elder care.
Can a ppt submit a reimbursement form for an HSA?
No. Ppt will log in to their account and "Make an HSA Transaction".
Can the ppt put money in their HRA?
HRA does not permit employee contributions. They are 100% employer funded.
What type of expenses can a ppt submit for reimbursement for an LPFSA?
Only Dental and Vision expenses.
Can a ppt submit claims after the end of the plan year?
Yes, they have a certain time frame to submit claims towards their previous plan year. Typically 3/31. However, always check the account in WEX Health Cloud or the Reimbursement Client Data sheet in the Call Center drive.
What is needed for a DCA reimbursement?
Log in online to submit a claim. They will need to include a receipt or invoice (needs to include the date of service, description of service, and amount).
Is documentation required when submitting for reimbursement for an HSA?
No, however they will need to have copies in case the IRS does an audit.
Can the ppt be reimbursed from the HRA?
Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRAs) are employer-funded reimbursement accounts from which employees are reimbursed tax-free for qualified medical expenses up to a fixed dollar amount per year. Unused amounts may or may not be rolled over to be used in subsequent years. The employer funds and owns the account so they decide how the plan is to be administered.
Can a ppt use their LPFSA for their dependents?
Yes, they can use it for their dependents.
If the ppt does not use the funds at the end of the plan year, can we cut a check for them?
No. Any unused funds get forfeited back.
Who is a Qualified Dependent for the DCA?
•A child under age 13 in your custody whom you claim as a dependent on your tax return.
•A spouse who is incapable of self-care.
Is the HSA portable?
Yes, you may continue to use it even after the ppt leaves the employer.
Can the ppt transfer HRA funds to another account?
No, you may not transfer funds from the HRA to another account.
Does the LPFSA roll over to the next year?
If the client allows a rollover, the LPFSA also rolls over to the next plan year. Always check the Reimbursement Client Data sheet.
If a ppt leaves their employer, can they take their unused funds to their next employer?
No. Ppts need to use their funds or submit claims towards their account before they leave their employer. They may continue it if it is offered in COBRA.
What Does ‘Incapable of Self-Care’ Mean?
The individual is not able to dress, clean, or feed him or herself, or requires constant attention to prevent injury to themselves or others because of physical or mental problems. A doctor's statement form explaining the incapacity and the reason the care is needed will be required.
Can the ppt change their elections throughout the plan year?
Yes, the ppt can make changes to the HSA at any time.
A SPIN ppt called about her card being denied. She went to the dentist and has plenty of funds in her HRA. Why would the card be denied?
SPIN HRA is only used for medical expenses, not dental, RX, or vision.
Can a termed ppt use the LPFSA?
Yes, ONLY if they were offered to take it while on COBRA.