Language Mechanics

The information in a cookie recipe is meant to

A. teach someone how to cook meals.

B. encourage someone to sell desserts.

C. help someone bake cookies.

D. influence someone to give away cookies.

C. help someone bake cookies.


Choose the sentence that is written correctly.

A. It seemed as if the boy is very tired.

B. The boy laughed while we was trying to study.

C. The mother worried about his high temperature. 

D. The boy cough over thirty times in a row.

C. The mother worried about his high temperature.


I have to find the best ____________________ to grow my plants from seed.

A. evacuation 

B. correspondence 

C. environment

D. separation

C. environment


Choose the correct punctuation.

Miss Taylor replied, “Complete your homework every night.”

A. replied, “complete

B. replied “Complete

C. replied: “complete

D. Correct as it is

D. Correct as it is


Which word is spelled correctly and best fits the sentence?

The business will _________________ you for your inconvenience.

A. compensation

B. compensasion

C. compansate

D. compensate

D. compensate


Which one of these is a myth?

A. How the West was Won?

B. How Rabbit Caused the First Earthquake

C. A Christmas Carol

D. The Life and Times of Abraham Lincoln

B. How Rabbit Caused the First Earthquake


People must never have to choose ______ to follow, Bill or Peter.

A. that

B. who

C. whom

D. which

C. whom


Since the dog was _____________________, I became a little nervous.

A. unrestrained

B. inoculated  

C. unimpressed

D. individualized 

A. unrestrained


Choose the correct punctuation.

Please purchase the following from the grocery store; fruit, bread and rice.

A. store; Fruit

B. store: fruit,

C. store: Fruit

D. Correct as is

B. store: fruit,


Bella has an _____________ sense of hearing.

A. acute

B. acuites 

C. accute

D. acuite

A. acute


Read this line from a poem:

My opponent was as angry as a charging bull.

This simile emphasizes both movement and 

A. color

B. mood

C. texture

D. sound

B. mood


Choose the sentence that is written correctly.

A. During spring break, they visited the historic Holocaust museum. 

B. In gym class, the students learned how to play basketball real well.

C. Cindy answered the question very nervous on Wednesday.

D. Marco was very afraid when he is staying after school.

A. During spring break, they visited the historic Holocaust museum.


Which means the same?


A. affluent  

B. studious 

C. enthusiastic

D. unconcerned

D. unconcerned


Choose the correct punctuation.

A. “Yes, I will” said mother with a smile.

B. “Hey, I want to meet her?” said Tim.

C. “Can you lend me your coat?” asked Helena.

D. Bertha asked, “I want to live in the attic.”

C. “Can you lend me your coat?” asked Helena.


Which one is NOT spelled correctly?

A. evidently pleased

B. tremendously concerned

C. extrordinary price

D. All correct

C. extrordinary price


Which line from an advertisement uses customer popularity as a means to convince readers to buy their product?

A. Our doughnuts are baked fresh every morning.

B. Boston Crème is our best selling doughnut.

C. Beyonce shops at our Hollywood location.

D. Our doughnuts take five full minutes to bake.

B. Boston Crème is our best selling doughnut.


Choose the correct topic sentence.

__________. For example, people thought Bob would be good at playing basketball because he played baseball. This turned out to be false.

A. Most talented athletes have a tendency to be good at multiple sports.  

B. Basketball and baseball are fun sports to play.

C. People should not tease about athletic ability. 

D. Just because someone is good at one sport, doesn’t mean he or she will excel at another.

D. Just because someone is good at one sport, doesn’t mean he or she will excel at another.


Which word BEST completes both sentences?

Jenna works in the ________________.

Juan had a __________________ fracture.

A. structure  

B. massive

C. compound

D. textile  

C. compound


Bridgette looked at him sternly, she closed the door.

A. sternly; she

B. sternly; and she

C. sternly she

D. Correct as is

A. sternly; she


Which one is NOT spelled correctly?

A. absolutely correct

B. indescribable experience

C. exceptionally intelligent

D. All correct

D. All correct


The boat sailed down the channel on the way to its final destination.

What does “channel” mean as it is used in this sentence?

A. the direction a boat is sailing

B. a length of water 

C. grooves or splashes made in the water

D. a radio transmission

B. a length of water


Which of these BEST narrows the idea for a paper on a medical occupation?

A. university – high school – science - studies

B. occupations – science – hospital – nursing

C. medical – student – study – high school

?D. teachers – engineers – accountants - doctors

B. occupations – science – hospital – nursing


Which means the opposite of nominal?

A. ingenious  

B. incredible 

C. hospitable 

D. enormous

D. enormous


Where is the secretarys new office?

A. secretaries new office

B. secretary’s new office

C. secretarys’ new office

D. Correct as is

B. secretary’s new office?


Which one is NOT correct?

A. nuance

B. oblivious

C. paridy

D. All correct

C. paridy
