Name at least 3 animals you would find in a safari.
Lion, elephant, rhino, zebra, cheetah, etc.
Are jungles easy to live in?
No! It is very difficult to live in a jungle due to heat, humidity, and very little sunlight
Name some animal species found in the jungle.
Insects, amphibians, mammals, etc.
This animal lives in large groups called "herds" and is striped. What is it?
A zebra
Do plants grow slow or fast in the jungle?
What type of habitat is a safari?
A grassland
Do people live in jungles?
Yes! Despite their harsh conditions, groups of people around the world call jungles their homes
The largest animals live reside here, including many insects. This located below the understory. What is it?
The forest floor
What is the most known safari animal?
The lion
A newborn giraffe is born at ____ feet tall.
This large animal lives along/in rivers and lakes. What is it?
A hippopotamus
Jungles are ALWAYS found near the equator.
FALSE, jungles are located all around the world
This group of animals is the most common to find in a jungle. What is it?
The insect family
I am a safari animal know for my laugh. What am I?
A hyena
I am the season on the safari that brings lots of rain and sometimes floods. What am I?
The wet season
Leaves are the main part of this tall safari animal's diet. What is the animal?
A giraffe
What makes a jungle a jungle?
Lots of plants, humid/tropical climate, etc.
What is the largest rainforest called?
The Amazon rainforest
Name at least 4 specific animals that live in the jungle.
Toucan, sloth, jaguar, parrot, etc.
What animal is known as the "king of the jungle" without living in the jungle?
The lion
This area takes up almost 2/5ths of all of Africa. It has tall grasses and is home to animals like lions, zebras, and gazelle. What is it's name?
The savannah
Name all of the layers of a jungle.
The canopy, the understory, and the forest floor
(double jeopardy if you said the emergent layer first!)
Are jungles and rainforests the same?
No! Though they are similar, jungles let more light down to the forest floor
What are the three most commonly found frogs in the jungle?
The red eyed tree frog, blue poison dart frog, and the golden poison frog
This animal can run up to 80mph. What is it?
A cheetah
This time of year is known as the driest in the safari. What is it?
The dry season
Most jungles can be found near ______.
The equator
Half of the world's plants and animals live in jungles.
What are 4 specific jungle birds?
Macaws, hornbills, toucans, kingfishers, owls, eagles, etc.
The largest rodent on the planet is found in jungles. What is it's name?
The Capybara
What animal's name means nose horn?
Where are the largest jungles found? Name at least two continents.
South America, Asia, and Africa
Besides trees, what other plants grow here?
Shrubs, ferns, flowers, mosses, etc.
What is one of the few animals that can be found in BOTH a jungle and a safari?
Jaguars, elephants, etc.
This eagle is the biggest jungle eagle on the planet. What is it's name?
A harpy eagle