ASC stands for
What is Academic Support Center
Things students can borrow from the library that are not books
What are laptops, webcams, headphones, calculators, umbrellas, and board games?
Who is Simone Williams?
Academic Search Complete is this type of resource
What is a library database?
Ways to meet with tutors
How is in-person and Zoom?
Fun things to borrow from the library
What are video games, board games, comics, graphic novels, and umbrellas?
A service to instant message with a librarian
What is Ask-a-Librarian chat?
A tool within the library database that retrieves the MLA or APA citation of a library resource
What is a citation tool?
The way you book an appointment with a tutor
What is through Navigate (online)?
The name of the computer lab on the first floor of the library
What is the Computer Courtyard
Ways to meet with a librarian
What are in-person and virtually through Zoom?
A way to identify if an article is relevant to your search
What is an article abstract?
What are writing, math, business, technology, and science?
The only thing that costs money in the library
What are printing services?
The way to book an appointment with a librarian
What is Navigate?
Used to search for an exact phrase in a search box
What are quotation marks?
The fee for MDC tutoring
What is zero costs/ free?
A place to book to study with classmates in
What are study rooms?
Typical ways librarians can assist with research
What are browsing topics, finding academic sources, incorporating sources, MLA and APA citation styles.
Articles that are written by experts in the field and reviewed by other researchers, scholars, and experts in the field
What are peer-reviewed articles?