Old ideas are restructured to include new experiences
What is accommodation?
Length of full term pregnancies from conception
What is 38 weeks?
Fifth stage of development
Identity vs Role Confusion
Erikson's first crises of life
What is trust vs mistrust
Couple living together who are not married
What is co-habitation?
Human cognitive development stage between 2 and 6 yrs
What is the pre-operational stage?
Used to evaluate newborn health at 1 and 5 min after birth
What is the Apgar scale?
Erikson's psychosocial developmental stage occurs between ages 3 and 6
What is Initiative vs Guilt?
At six weeks baby's newest emotional response
What is a social smile?
This is a belief a person has that someone is watching and taking note of their every move, appearance, ideas and behaviors.
What is imaginary audience
Ability gained in middle childhood
Single cell formed from an ova and a sperm
Erikson's 4th stage of psychosocial development
What is industry v inferiority
Set limits, enforce rules and listen receptively to children
This is the most commonly diagnosed Neurocognitive Disorder in late adulthood
What is Alzheimer's?
Where child can master some tasks with the help of others
What is Zone of Proximal Development (SPD)?
Longest period of prenatal development
What is fetal?
The goal of adolescence
Lasting emotional bond with caregiver
This personality model includes traits like Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.
What is Big 5 Trait theory
In middle childhood, children are in this period of thought
What is concrete operational?
Any agent or condition that increases risk for prenatal development
This is the result if an adult fails to reach generativity
What is stagnation?
Parents expect unquestioning obedience
Intelligence (g) used when taking a test
What is crystallized?