You can discuss and access in-depth information on current approaches.
What are recovery principle expectations?
You are familiar with various tools including websites, research papers, library, training sessions, support groups, book.
What is psychoeducational information awareness?
You understand this philosophy, and model using this type of communication with a variety of settings.
What is person first language?
You can assist in using this model with a variety of audience's in wellness and recovery.
What is holistic family driven planning process?
You know, understand, and can communicate these policies and laws to families.
What is confidentiality?
You can refer to providers and supports who specialize in these services.
What is adult mental health supports and services?
You can identify family strengths, support networks, and promote the healing of toxic stress
What is support of wellness and self-care?
You know and understand the three principles of this philosophy model.
What is system of care principles?
As a strategy for advocacy purposes, you can coach a family in this type of communicating.
What is strategic and appropriate sharing?
You are aware of young adult transition resource and supports.
What is young adult transition challenges?
You can comfortably explain these laws and your responsibility with families and partnering providers.
What is mandatory reporting?
You understand these conditions, and can assist a family in gathering this information from providers.
What are co-occurring and co-morbid conditions?
You can understand and discuss this approach to addressing all of the life domains.
What is a holistic approach to wellness?
You can understand and demonstrate current family support movement strategies, you can describe the difference and similarities on the support person role as a Traditional Healthcare Worker.
What is family support profession and movement?
You can build transparent relationships that emphasize the family strengths and is based on lived experience.
What is family relationship building?
You can discuss local resource for transitioning youth such as EASA, and Youth ERE.
What is young adult transition resources?
You have the knowledge about protections for children and parents under this Act.
What is the section 504 Rehabilitation Act?
You have knowledge and can refer to local providers and supports who specialize this for young people.
What is youth mental health supports and services?
You can discuss the impacts of this, you can model healthy boundaries, and can reference the Adverse Childhood Experiences study.
What is the impacts of trauma, compassion fatigue, burnout, and grief?
You can readily explain the principles and practices of each of these support roles.
What is peer support vs. clinical support principles?
You can abstain from taking on a different role other than the family peer support, and adhere to the limits of that role.
What is peer support role limits and boundaries?
You are able to discuss developmentally appropriate strategies to identify needs holistically.
What is young adult transitions challenges?
You practice this model in a variety of situation such as case planning, medication management, and release of information, etc.
What is informed consent?
You can refer families to providers and service supports.
What is family and youth support services?
You can understand and discuss multiple individualized models of these strategies.
What is trauma healing strategies?
The ability to assist in connecting work to the development of system plans for families.
What is system support plans?
You have knowledge of this approach that identifies the problem to be solved.
What is collaborative problem solving?
You know the differences between intervention and planning of this circumstance.
What is crisis intervention and crisis planning?
The National Federation of Families on Children's Mental Health identified these.
What if professional ethics and standards?
You can assist in the navigation of these supports based on the identified needs of the family and youth.
What is family and youth supports and services?