What time is the Variety Show Tryouts for Day 2?
3:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m.
(FSY Staff Handbook p. 41)
What is the activity BEFORE Meet with Company (Informal Head Count)?
(FSY Staff Handbook p. 41)
What are the 4 things the judges will look for in the cheer?
enthusiasm, creativity, group unity, and overall performance
(FSY Staff Handbook p. 47)
When should counselors discuss FSY Conference Dance Guidelines?
6:30 p.m.–6:45 p.m.
After banner and cheer prep, and before the dance begins, regroup with your company and review the FSY Conference Dance Guidelines. If you have extra time, you may want to teach your youth a line dance or some fun dance moves.
(FSY Staff Handbook p. 48)
As counselor, what should you do when you arrive at the dance location with your company?
Decide on a place to meet after the dance to eliminate confusion and allow groups to dismiss in an orderly and timely manner.
(FSY Staff Handbook p. 48)
What is the Variety Show and what day does it happen?
A show consisting of a series of short, unrelated acts or performances. (FSY Participant Handbook p. 78)
Variety Show will be on Day 4.
What time is the Participant Free Time?
3:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m.
(FSY Staff Handbook p. 41)
What should counselors do during Banner and Cheer Prep?
• You or your co-counselor will receive a banner and supplies during your afternoon assistant coordinator meeting.
• Counselors may not participate in the cheer but may encourage and help with ideas.
• Counselors are responsible for making sure the youth understand and comply with the rules and expectations.
(FSY Staff Handbook p. 47)
What is the purpose of dances in FSY conferences?
Dances at FSY conferences provide a wholesome social experience where the Spirit may be present. Youth are encouraged to learn new dances and practice dance etiquette.
(FSY Staff Handbook p. 48)
What are the activities after Dance and suggested announcements?
Head Count | Quiet Time and Get Ready for Bed
Participant Devotional Prep
Reflect and Review
Lights Out
Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting
Suggested Announcements:
• Confirm Day Three participant devotional assignments.
• If applicable: wear your participant T-shirt tomorrow or make plans to change into it at free time to prepare for Games Night.
What are the guidelines for Performer Dress Code and Audience?
Performer Dress Code
• Wear the clothing you plan to wear for the Variety Show to the dress rehearsal.
• Choose outfits for your performance that show respect for your body. Ask yourself, “Am I honoring my body as a sacred gift from God?” See the FSY Guide at the end of this handbook for more.
• Sit with your company.
• Cheer for each act.
• Be supportive and respectful of each participant and performance.
(FSY Participant Handbook p. 79)
Who is required to ATTEND the Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting?
This meeting is required for all counselors except for those assigned to Musical Program or Variety Show.
(FSY Staff Handbook p. 46)
What is the purpose of the Banner and Cheer Prep?
• The banner will be used in other activities during the conference.
• The purpose is for the youth to work as a group and become more unified.
(FSY Staff Handbook p. 47)
What will participants find at an FSY Dance?
• Popular, positive music
• Great line dances
• Lights on, so you can see all your friends and show off your new moves
• Respectful peers
• Tons of fun!
(FSY Participant Handbook p. 38)
What is the responsibility of all counselors during Dance?
All counselors are to help maintain dance standards. Dance with the youth in groups and get to know them, and encourage your participants to dance. However, do not force youth to dance. Do not prohibit them from using the restroom and getting water at any time during the dance.
Counselors should enjoy the dance but remember that their priority is to attend to the needs of the youth.
(FSY Staff Handbook p. 48)
As counselor, what should you do if a youth is not selected for the Variety Show?
Help those not selected for the Variety Show to understand that the choice isn’t always based on skill or talent, but on the need for a large variety of acts in the show. Consider setting aside time later in the session for those not selected to perform in the Variety Show to perform their acts just for your company.
(FSY Staff Handbook p. 46)
What other activities happen at the same time as Participant Free Time?
Variety Show Tryouts, Musical Program Rehearsal
(FSY Staff Handbook p. 41)
What are the rules for the banner? Explain.
• The banner must be appropriate and reflect the character of the company name.
• Only participants should draw or write on the banner; counselors should not contribute.
• The banner should not use names or titles of Deity.
(FSY Staff Handbook p. 47)
What are the Do's for FSY Dance? Explain.
• Graciously consider each invitation to dance.
• Try out new dance moves—keep them appropriate!
• Ask your dance partners interesting questions to get to know them better.
• Think about and respect what the person you are interacting with may be comfortable with. Will what you do or say be unwelcome or unwanted? If so, don’t do it. Remember, FSY conference is not the place for romantic behavior.
(FSY Participant Handbook p. 38)
What should you do if you have youth who are sensitive to loud music? Share an example.
You may want to prepare them ahead of time for the environment and energy of the dance. Plan for them to participate in ways that can stretch their comfort zone while still allowing them to feel safe.
(FSY Staff Handbook p. 48)
What are the Guidelines on Instructions for Performers? Explain.
• Acts that mock or tease, degrade religious principles, or make fun of others are not permitted.
• All aspects of the acts—music, lyrics, costumes, language, gestures, and so on—must be in keeping with Church guidelines.
• The music used should not have any reference to Word of Wisdom issues, immorality, gangs, violence, anything suggestive, or other inappropriate language. Even if the songs are edited, the original lyrics must be appropriate. Avoid anything questionable! If you feel uneasy about it in any way, choose another option.
• Youth are encouraged to choose costumes for their performance that show respect for their bodies as encouraged in the For the Strength of Youth guide.
• To protect the venue, no food or liquid of any kind is to be used on stage.
• No staff members are permitted to perform. Youth only!
• Respect the reverence of Church music. No hymns, Church-related musical numbers, or scriptures.
(FSY Participant Handbook p. 78)
What should you do as counselor during the Participant Free Time? Share an example.
Participant free time is an opportunity to spend time with your participants and learn more about them. As a counselor, you are not required to assist during free time unless otherwise noted by your session leaders.
(FSY Staff Handbook p. 46)
What are the rules for the cheer? Explain.
• Keep the cheer to around one minute.
• Remember that judges look for enthusiasm, creativity, group unity, and overall performance.
• Counselors may not participate in the cheer but may encourage and help with ideas. The purpose is for the youth to work as a group and become more unified. Counselors are responsible for making sure the youth understand and comply with the expectations below:
◦ Flips and lifts are not permitted.
◦ Except for your banner, no props may be used.
◦ Do not use the names of Deity.
◦ If song lyrics or tunes are used, make sure tunes come from appropriate songs and that all cheer lyrics are appropriate.
◦ Profanity, vulgarity, and demeaning language or actions of any kind are not permitted.
(FSY Staff Handbook p. 47)
What are the Avoid's for FSY Dance? Explain.
• Full-body contact (such as bear-hugging).
• Positions or moves that are inappropriate.
• Hanging out in the hall or restroom.
• Throwing objects and using glow sticks.
• Dancing that is potentially harmful to yourself or others. This includes flips, lifts, trains, moshing (jumping out of control), and so on.
(FSY Participant Handbook p. 38)
What should you do if you have any youth with physical disabilities? Share an example.
Plan with them ahead of time for ways they can participate.
(FSY Staff Handbook p. 48)