According to the National Safety Council (NSC), the average adult needs (-) hours of sleep each day.
7-9 hours
What is status code for customer pick up?
Misdelivered package picked up.
A package is picked up by a driver after it has been delivered, how do you process this package?
Does a DPR need to be completed on a damagaed HAZMAT?
What was yesterday's safety message?
Housekeeping/Egress: Keep work areas safe and clean
You’re given a 02 “Bad zip code” at 9:35, you correct it at 9:45 and notice all drivers are gone. There is no one that can take that package out for delivery that day.
What is the correct scan?
Business Driver Release
You speak to a recipient, after dispatch, about an address on a package. They provide you with a correct apt #, what scan codes are applied to this package?
33, 51, 94
What is a code 105?
ISF completed
Give me a benefit for package staging
Can help keep work areas clear
What code is a package is scanned after a 3rd attempt?
What Items Can Be Donated?
Give me 3
Shampoos, conditioner, body soap and lotions
Items from food kits (i.e ice/gel packs, other liquids, cooking wine/sherry, olive oil and marinades), canned goods, canned fruits
Bottled water, Gatorade, sports drinks, Ensure
Loose paper (Full case paper products are to be forwarded to PRR
Kitty Litter, shelf stable pet food
Furniture that is Broken, but salvageable (i.e. scratch and dent, clean but NOT wrapped/sealed in original packaging
Name 6 forms that need to be completed for a damaged HAZMAT?
Hess, DPR, Ftrack, Labels, ISF & SDS
When vehicle engines idle or other diesel/gas powered equipment is operated, exhaust gases and particulates are emitted into the indoor environment.
What do we ask of you?
1. Take action
2. Communicate
What are the 3 types of CDO's?
Appointments, Date certains, Evening deliveries.
High value package in security cage.
What is a damaged call tag?
A damaged call tag is a shipping label issued to station so package can be picked up from the recipient and brought back to the station for inspection due to possible damage discovered by the recipient after delivery.
Proper shipping name, Hazard class, UN/NA #, Packaging group, Shipping instructions, name & address needs to filled out on what?
On the salvage drum label
Emissions from vehicle exhaust / diesel/gas powered equipment include:
Give me two out of the three.
1.Carbon monoxide (CO)
2. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
3. Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM)
Waiting package report is ran by what time?
Local Weather Delay - Not Attempted
Kettlebells, free weights, or weightlifting plates
How would you process these over goods?
Donate locally