Basic Physics
Kinematics & Projectiles
Forces & Circular Motion
Impulse & Momentum
Finish the Lyric

What is the unit for Force?

Newton (N)


What is the difference between distance and displacement?

Distance -length of path

Displacement- distance between initial and final positions


What is the First Law of Motion?

Law of inertia 

An object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by an external force. 


What is the definition of impulse?

Change in momentum, delta p


She say,-------- I tell her,-----------
I only love -----------------, I'm sorry

"Do you love me?"

"Only partly" 

my bed and my momma


Which scientist dropped cannon balls of the leaning tower of Pisa?



If a ball was launched horizontally off a cliff and stopped 20 seconds later, how high is the cliff?

2000 meters


What is the weight of an object with a mass of 4kg?

40 Newtons


Momentum and Impulse are both _____ quantities since they can have both _____ and _____

Vector quantities with both magnitude and direction


20/20, 20/20 vision
Cupid hit me, cupid hit me with precision .........

I wonder if you look both ways
When you cross my mind


Why does a person with a parachute not die upon impact when falling down to Earth?

Due to air resistance with air particles hitting the entire surface area of the object


Drake was running through the 6 with his woes for 260 meters in 50 seconds, what was his velocity?

5.2 m/s


What is the Second Law of Motion?

Force=Mass X Acceleration


If a dog has a momentum of 189 N*s and is moving at 12 m/s , what is its mass? 

15.75 kg


You called me again, drunk in your Benz
Driving home under the influence
You scared me to death, but..........

I'm wasting my breath
'Cause you only listen to your....


In what situation will gravity be -10 instead of 10?

When a projectile is initially pointed upwards in a parabolic curve.


A cheetah starting from rest, accelerated at        7 m/s2 for 3 s.  How far, in meters, did the cheetah travel during that time?

Δx = vit + ½at2 

 Δx = (0m/s)(3s) + ½(7m/s2)(3s)2 

      Δx = 0m + ½(7m/s2)(9s2) 

Δx = 31.5m


What is the difference between Centripetal and Centrifugal Force?

Centripetal goes in towards the circle 

Centrifugal goes out of the circle. 


The Conservation of Momentum is based on which law of motion?

Newton's 3rd law of motion 

Every action has an equal and/or opposite reaction


Yeah, my receipts, be lookin' like phone numbers
If it ain't money, then wrong number-----------

Black card is my business card
The way it be settin' the tone for me
I don't mean to brag, but I be like, "Put it in the bag


What is the best angle for maximum range of a projectile?

Pointed upwards at 45 degrees


A baseball is thrown up with an initial velocity of 24 m/s. How high will it have traveled after 3.4 seconds?

dy=23.8 meters


What forces are acting on a bowling ball that you rolled through the grass? (List all 4)

Normal, Gravity, Applied, and Friction Force. 


What is the difference between an elastic collision and an inelastic collision?

The mass is different for after the collision

Inelastic collisions have the objects stuck together instead of bouncing off each other. 


I'm findin' ways to articulate the feelin' I'm goin' through
I just can't say I don't love you

 I love you, yeah
It's hard for me to communicate the thoughts that I hold
But tonight, I'm gon' let you know
