Who Are They??
Graduation Requirements
Counselor, then testing coordinator, now counselor again.
Who is Kori Holland (Skilled Professions counselor)?
The number of credits required to graduate from Fulton.
What is 28?
The number of foreign languages offered at Fulton.
What is 2?
This small act can make a difference in a student's day.
What is a smile, nod, hello, pat on the shoulder, or any positive acknowledgement.
Seniors can go to a 2-year college (most, not all) for free through this program.
What is Tennessee's Promise (formerly TN Achieves)?
The solo male of the team.
Who is Sean Royston (Health Sciences counselor)?
Students must take a science every year. True or False??
What is False? Students must take Biology, Chemistry or Physics, and one additional lab science. However, we encourage them to take a science every year. ;-)
The number of years of a student must be enrolled in math.
What is 4?
If a student mentions "this", a counselor and administrator must be notified.
What is threat to harm self or others.
In order to qualify for funding from TN Promise, students must do the follow two things.
What is apply on time (by the end of September) and attend two mandatory meetings?
Taught ESL before becoming a school counselor.
Who is Bevin Gresham (School of Communications counselor)?
Students have this long to complete their graduation requirements.
What is four years and a summer?
Credit earned through Odyssey are not recognized by this organization. *hint...think sports*
What is NCAA?
If a student needs meds for mental health reasons, he/she is considered ED (emotionally disturbed) and qualifies for SPED (special education) services. True or False??
What is False? Ummmm...no! Needing medication doesn't indicate the student is emotionally disturbed; it simply means the student needs some meds to help a health issue.
Fulton students can go to University of TN free of tuition. True or False??
What is True? Yep!! Students who graduate from Fulton (or AE) and can gain admission to UTK, can go tuition free with the Promise scholarship. In addition, they can have books/fees/additional expenses paid if they qualify for the Pledge scholarship (below $38,000/year). Can't beat that!!
Lives in Greenback and travels 86 minutes each day to serve our kiddos.
Who is Whitney Clower (9th counselor, Merlin)?
Personal Finance is an elective credit and is not a state of TN requirement. True or False??
What is false? Personal finance is required for graduation.
ESL classes can be used to substitute this many English classes.
What is 2? ESL students can use their ESL credits as two English credits and they may also use them for an elective focus. However...they may not double dip these!
Helen Ross McNabb, Cherokee Health Systems, and Solution Source are all examples of these.
What are local community resources utilized by many families in our area. They each provide mental health services, as well as family support and individual support (usually through case workers).
TCAT stands for this.
What is Tennessee College of Applied Technology?
The Damn Yankee
Who is Kim Christodoulou (aka: Christy Dooloo, Krystal, and/or Dooloo) (10th grade counselor, Peregrine)?
Students who are behind on credits or have other special circumstances may try to transfer to this school to ensure their graduation.
What is Kelly Volunteer Academy (KVA or "the Mall School")?
If a student struggles academically and signs a foreign language waiver, he/she must have what type of additional classes?
What is a second elective focus?
School counselors receive the same training as licensed therapists and can provide in-depth therapy services. True or False??
What is False? School counselors receive plenty of education on mental health issues; however, we are not trained to provide in-depth, ongoing services. We are more like firefighters who help extinguish immediate needs and provide support for students.
The most important part of a student's application is high ACT scores. True or False??
What is mostly false. It is true that a high ACT score helps, but colleges also want to see students who are well rounded and show commitment and follow through. Admissions counselors look at the total package when deciding if the student is a positive fit for their university.