Spell word 1
If you are 14 years old right now, how old would you be if you were born 6 years ago.
This country is located north of South Korea.
North Korea
Name a five headed dragon in Yugioh
Five Headed Dragon
Spell word 2
If A is true, B is true. If B is true, C is true. If C is true, what do we know about D?
What makes up 75% of the Earth
What does crash bandicoot hit a lot.
his head
Fictional character and catchphrase that was written on walls, bridges and more during WWII
Spell word 3
How many people are needed to figure out what is going on inside Ryan's head?
This pile of trash is roughly 1/3 the size of texas and is located in the Atlantic ocean
Heads or tails
Spell word 4
A father gives his son a quarter and his other son a dime, what time is it?
quarter to 10
This country's leader is famous for having the smallest male genitalia
What's wrong with this sentence, "It's a me, Mario"
! (he's not shouting it)
Spell word 5
word (space) five
If me is you and you is me but me is me, and you is you, then who am I?
The greatest person alive, Christopher Castillo
What country can be used as a response to these two questions (simultaneously). What city are you from and what do you want to eat?
Philippines (philly beans)
This game is so bad that its starting to be banned throughout Europe as it has already been banned by Belgium. Also my friend used this game as a torturing method (idk why).
Genshin Impact