Name of Black Panther's Kingdom
The 2023 Super Bowl MVP
Patrick Mahomes
This staff member brought his baby to bring your child to work day
Mr. Politi
What can fill a room but takes up no space?
How many zeroes are in ten thousand?
This singer holds the record for most Grammy nominations
Name the 2 most famous siblings in Tennis
Venus & Serena Williams
These staff members are married
Mr and Mrs Eckhardt
What belongs to you but everyone else uses it?
Your Name
Most populated country in the world
This actor is known for his roles in Just Mercy, Black Panther and Creed
Michael B Jordan
This famous Olympian has the world record for most gold medals (23)
Michael Phelps
This teacher is getting married in 2 weeks
Ms. Nelson
What starts with a T, ends with a T, and has tea in it?
What organ does an Octopus have 3 of?
This video game is also an online community that allows players to chat and make their own games
This Ohioan is the most decorated US Gymnast of all time
Simone Biles
Strader and O'Brien
You see me once in June, twice in November, and not at all in May. What am I?
the letter "e"
The largest states of ALL 50 states
What year was the Nintendo Company founded?
How many dimples does the average golf ball have?
How many scholars were enrolled at Propel MHS for the 2022-2023 school year?
Turn me on my side and I am infinite. Cut me in half and I am nothing. What am I?
The number 8
Blood type known as the "universal donor"
Type O