Name this 1960 Alfred Hitchcock film, where Marion Crane is killed in the Bates Motel during the infamous “shower scene.”
What is Pyscho?
This representative from Kentucky, known as the “Great Compromiser,” used his influence in the House to swing the 1824 election to John Quincy Adams in the so-called “corrupt bargain.”
Who is Henry Clay?
Name this team that plays in the Mercedes-Benz Superdome and is known for their fans' expression, "Who Dat?"
Who are the New Orleans Saints?
This artist behind the sports-inspired single "Rise" is the only person besides Michael Jackson to have five #1 hits from one album; one of those songs insists "Come on, let your colors burst”.
Who is Katy Perry?
During all of the 1980s and 1990s, this position was held by a sweater-wearing man known as the “General,” who once threw a chair onto the court. Name this college basketball coaching position in the Big Ten, currently held by Archie Miller and held for over two decades by Bobby Knight.
What is the Men’s Basketball Head Coach at Indiana [or Hoosiers Head Coach]?
In this actor’s most iconic role, the actor only spoke 74 words. This actor also served as Governor of California.
Who is Arnold Schwarzenegger?
Identify this novel by J.D Salinger where the narrator Holden Caulfield wonders about deep questions like “where do ducks go when the lake freezes?
What is Catcher in the Rye?
The greatest hitting pitcher of all time is certainly this legendary player, who hit a record 29 home runs and also pitched in 17 games in 1919. His nicknames include "The Bambino."
Who is Babe Ruth?
Identify this seventh single from Bad, featured in the movie Moonwalker, in which Michael Jackson asks "Annie are you OK?" and notes that "you've been hit by" and "struck by" the titular suave hitman.
What is “Smooth Criminal”?
A well known toothpaste was formulated at IU and hit shelves nationally in 1956. What brand of toothpaste is this?
What is Crest?
The Love and Hip Hop series set in this state featured a rapper who later married Migos member Offset. This is also the home state of the rapper of “Bodak Yellow,” Cardi B.
What is New York?
Name this greenhouse gas produced by cellular respiration. During the complete combustion of hydrocarbons, this gas, along with steam and heat, is produced.
What is Carbon dioxide?
In 2019, this inexplicably popular point guard and former MVP received the second most votes of any Western Conference guard, though he did not ultimately make the team.
Who is Derrick Rose?
This song, which had its guitar line sampled by Kid Rock in "All Summer Long", refers to the title location as a place "where the skies are so blue" and describes a particular southern state.
What is “Sweet Home Alabama”?
Herman B. Wells started his presidency at IU in 1938. For how many years did he hold this position?
What is 34 years?
In a crossover hit, this American Idol singer describes a "bleach blonde tramp" before detailing how she destroyed a "pretty little souped-up four-wheel drive."
Who is Carrie Underwood?
Name this national park whose thermal features include the multicolored Grand Prismatic Spring and the Old Faithful geyser.
What is Yellowstone National Park?
The phrase “it’s coming home” became a meme after this team defeated Colombia and Sweden to reach the World Cup semi-finals, where they lost to Croatia.
Who is the England National Soccer Team?
Name this cable channel, that your parents remember used to play music videos, but you know as the place you can watch Jersey Shore reruns and The Real World.
What is MTV?
One character in this movie bemoans people who dwell on being treated as a god in their teenage years. The person who played Rade took money to appear in this film, leading to a three-game suspension from the DePauw team.
What are Hoosiers?
Name this series of games in which various Nintendo characters race each other in the title vehicles. Players can race on various stages such as Bowser Castle and Rainbow Road.
What is Mario Kart?
Identify these objects that are frequently in the form of “dank” images on the internet.
What are Memes?
Rudy was a walk-on player for this school, whose football games are televised on NBC.
What is University of Notre Dame?
A claim that "back in high school, I used to bus it to the dance" appears in a song from this album, whose cover depicts kids with popcorn in front of an amusement park.
What is Astroworld?
The Sample Gates were erected the same year as one of IU’s men’s basketball NCAA championship wins. What year was this?
What is 1987?