This person has 17 letters in their full name.
For reference: pickleball and baseball have 18 letters.
Who is Weston?
This person had surgery at 8 months old and is thankful for family and friends.
Who is Izzy?
This person's Grandma and Marley's mom share the same birthday.
Who is Britton?
Who is Ryder?
This teacher lived in Germany and taught students the German language.
Who is Mrs. Pfeiffer?
This person has the same middle name as the former Queen of England.
Who is Cecilia?
This person used to play the cello.
Who is Peyton?
Today is this person's birthday.
And they know how to change a tire on a car!
Who is Tegan?
This person doesn't have a middle name and can kind of understand Latin, Portuguese, Italian, and French.
Who is Sofia?
This teacher played the trumpet in middle school.
Who is Mrs. Rogers?
This person's nickname is parmesan
Who is Jonah?
This person went to Mansfield schools until 1st grade.
Who is Ilyas?
This person was born exactly 40 years after the first space station (Salyut 1) was launched. (4/19/1971)
Who is Bryan?
!Double Jeopardy!
Winnie the Pooh lives here.
What is the Hundred Acre Woods?
This teacher once went as Ken Jennings for Halloween. (Ken Jennings is a former Jeopardy Champion and current Jeopardy host)
Who is Mr. Richer?
This person's name came from the Christmas movie Elf.
Who is Jovie?
This person was born in Hawaii.
Who is Annybelle?
This person was born 100 years to the date of the RMS Titanic's departure from England.
Who is Tim?
This person is part Irish.
Who is Piper?
What is Louie's dog breed? (Mrs. Severns dog)
What is a bernedoodle?
This person's favorite movie series is lord of the rings.
Who is Elijah?
This person used to have 18 fish.
Poor fish, wonder what happened.....?
Who is Sydnee?
This person shares a birthday with the late Richard III of England and Gandhi.
Who is Marley?
This person is 7 hours older than their cousin.
And doesn't like homemade mac and cheese. What!
Who is Abbigail?
This teacher lettered in Marching Band but have never learned how to play an instrument.
Who is Mrs. Morris?