The more you have of it, the less you see
What place value is the 1 in for the number 88.919
What is a noun?
A person, place, thing, idea or animal
How many legs do 5 spiders have?
What is the name of the cowboy in Toy Story?
What turns everything around, but does not move?
A mirror
What is 104?
10x10x10x10= 10,000
How many nouns are in the sentence: Ryan went to the store to get milk, cheese and eggs.
I increase the average kinetic energy of a bunch of frozen H20 molecules. I get ....
How many days are in a leap year?
What belongs to you, but other people use it more than you do?
your name
Round 23.467 to the nearest hundredth
What two letters do most adverbs end in?
What is my degree in?
Historic Preservation
What two bodies of water surround the U.S.?
The Atlantic and Pacific oceans
I'm tall when I'm young, but short when I'm old. What am I?
A candle
Round 312.764 to the nearest tenth
How many nouns are in the following sentence? Sarah took Becky, Sofia and Devin to the park and brought sandwiches, soda, grapes and a ball.
What is the fastest land animal?
A cheetah
Who is the QB for the Cowboys?
dak prescott
What gives you strength and power to walk through walls?
Round 102.5372 to the nearest thousandth
This genre tells a story about a person’s life and is written in 1st person (that person's) point of view.
How many planets are in our solar system?
What type of fish is Nemo?
A clownfish