The person that holds the main responsibility in the vet clinic is the
The main responsibility of the restrainer is to...
Protect the person performing the procedure and safety to the animal.
The instrument utilized to measure the Specific Gravity of Urine is known as this...
The horse has this type of tooth...
The suffix -ectomy means this
To surgically remove
VALVT stands for what?
Virginia Association of Licensed Veterinary Technicians
These are all signs of aggression in the dog except; Growling, Hackles up, Ears flat back on head, and Intense staring
Ears flat on the head
An Ear Swab Cytology is looking for these 3 main organisms....
Bacteria, Yeast, and Leukocytes
A condition in which a horse exhibits extreme abdominal pains is known as....Name 3 types
Colic- Impaction, Gas, Surgical- Torsion
LVT's are NOT allowed to do these 3 duties...
Surgery, Diagnose, and Prescribe Medications
As a restrainer it is important that they do this if they are not comfortable holding an animal.....
The part of the U/A that evaluates the chemical changes within the urine is known as the ....
Urine Dip Stick
When restraining the horse it is important that the restrainer is located where in relation to the person performing the procedure....
On the same side
Define the definition- Inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.
The Veterinary Assistant is not able to perform these three duties...
Place IV catheters, Handle Controlled Substances, and Induce Anesthesia
When restraining the canine's head it is important to do this prior to bringing your arm around the neck...
Block the head to protect the restrainer's face from injury.
This simple test evaluates the hydration and if the animal is anemic.....
A horse has how many bones....
Periodontal Prophalaxis simply describes a....
Dental in the companion animal
What does VTS stand for? Explain
Veterinary Technician Speciality- Credentialing for LVTS to further their education and clinical skills in a specific area of interest or expertise.
The vein that is occluded on the hind limb for venipuncture is known as the......
Lateral Saphenous Vein
The liquid portion of Unclotted Blood is known as....
What are the other names given to Phalanx 3 in the horse?
Coffin bone, P3, Distal Phalanx
Ocular Enucleation