French baked bread with usually a chocolate cream filling?
What is Enclair
What was Thanos trying to collect?
What is The Infinity Stones
What company's logo is a swoosh?
Double Jeopardy !!
what is nike
What has to be broken before you can use it?
What is an egg
What is the only fruit with seeds on the outside?
What is Strawberry
What is the name of the toy store in Toy Story 2?
What Al's toy barn
What city hosted the 2020 summer Olympics?
What is Tokyo
I'm tall when I'm young, and I'm short when I'm old. What am I?
What is a candle
Traditionally made with milk, cream, sugar, whipped egg whites, and egg yolks and drank during a holiday season.
What is Eggnog
What movie studio owns the film rights to Spiderman?
What is Sony Pictures
What NFL team won the Superbowl this year?
Philadelphia Eagles
What question can you never answer yes to?
What is, are you asleep yet
Market leader in the hot regular/decaf flavored coffee, iced coffee, donuts, bagels and muffins?
What is Dunkin Donuts
Which of these is the first feature length animated movie?
A. Pinocchio
B. Cinderella
C. Snow white and the 7 Dwarfs
C. Snow White 1937
What is the height of a standard basketball hoop in feet?
What is 10 feet
What is always in front of you but can be seen?
What is the future
What is Baskin Robbins
What is the name of Walt Disney's first animated character's name?
Who is Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
How long is a marathon?
What is 26.2 miles
There's a one-story house, in which everything is yellow. yellow walls, yellow doors, yellow furniture. What color are the stairs and rails?
What is, there aren't any - it's a one-story house