Name a phrase to help you rememebr the lines on the Treble Clef.
Every Good Boy Does Fine or Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge etc.
A quarter note is worth how many beats?
1 Beat
What note is on the Top line of the Bass Clef
one half note + one quarter note = How many beats?
2 + 1 = 3 Beats
How do you pronounce my last name?
Miss Brophy (Bro - Fee)
What is the note name on the First line of the treble clef?
How many eighth notes notes are in a whole note?
8 eighth notes = 1 Whole note
What phrase do we use to remember the spaces in the Bass Clef?
All Cows Eat Grass (ACEG)
one quarter note + an eighth note = how many beats?
1 + 1/2 = 1 1/2 Beats
What color do I wear the most?
What phrase do we use to remember the letter names within the treble clef spaces?
FACE in the space
in 4/4 time, a half note gets how many beats?
2 beats
What is the note on the second line of the Bass Clef?
a whole note + a quarter note = how many beats?
4 + 1 = 5 beats
What colege do I go to?
Adelphi University
The phrase, "Every Good Boy Does Fine" describes the notes on the spaces or lines within the Treble Clef?
Lines on the Treble Clef
How many beats does a dotted half note get?
2 beats + 1 beat = 3 beats
What phrase do we use to remember the notes on the lines in the Bass Clef?
Good Boys Do Fine Always (GBDFA)
Whole note + Half note + quarter note = how many beats?
4 + 2 + 1 = 7 Beats
What instrument(s) do I play?
Piano, Flute
What letter name is on the 4th line of the Teble Clef?
How many sixteenth notes are there in a half note
1 Half Note = 8 sixteenth notes
What note is in the second space of the Bass Clef?
Solve this equation:
Quarter note + Half Note + Eighth note + Quarter Note + Whole Note = how many beats?
1 + 2 + 1/2 + 1 + 4 = 8 1/2 Beats
Am I a Soprano or an Alto?