What 2 weathers make up a rainbow?
the sun and the rain
Name 3 things that the plant needs to grow
water, soil and sunlight
What is 3x5?
Who will be the president in the U.S. next year?
Donald Trump
How many fingers does Mickey have
What are the colors of the Mexican flag?
Green white and red
What flower do you blow to make your a wish?
dandelion / liontooth
If I had 10 apples and you give me 8, how many apples do I have now?
Which country is the largest in the world?
What does Hakuna Matata mean?
What is No worries
Who painted the Mona Lisa?
Who is Leonardo daVinci
What do plants do when you give water to them
they grow
What is the square root of 9?
Which dollar bill is Abraham Lincoln on
a. 1 dollar b. 5 dollar c. 100 dollars
the 5 dollar bill
This duck is wearing a blue shirt, blue hat and a bow tie
Donald Duck
What are 3 colors representing fall?
red, orange, yellow and brown
What season do the leaves grow on the trees
What is 7 x 2 - 6
What is Alexander Graham Bell's most famous invention? Hint: you might have one in your pocket
What is the telephone
Who is the bear in the Jungle Book
Who is Baloo
what color can you get by mixing yellow, black and red?
Complete the sentence: what walks over the water but doesn´t get wet?
What is 50% of 100?
Who was the 1st president of the U.S.
Who is George Washington
is Goofy a dog or a cow?
What is a dog