When the next Leap Year occurs
When is 2028?
This company's slogan is “Just do it.”
This fruit has the highest number of calories of any fruit.
What is an avocado?
Most taxis and buses in Germany are made by this manufacturer.
What is Mercedes?
Birthstone for December.
What is turquoise?
In 2006, this planet was designated a "dwarf planet" and removed from the official solar system
Pluto. And in case you're wondering, A dwarf planet has not cleared the area around its orbit, while a planet has.
This company's slogan is "Save more, live better."
What is Walmart?
Mr. Miscioscia's favorite animal
Texas Longhorn
On April 11, 1912, Francis Browne was on a pier in Ireland when he took one of the last known photos of this.
The first day of Kwanzaa.
This planet takes 3 earth months to orbit the sun.
What is Mercury?
This company's slogan is, "Have it your way."
What is Burger King?
This blood type is a universal donor.
What is O Negative?
This country is two times larger than the USA and even larger than the surface area of Pluto
What is Russia?
In the early 1800s, the first gingerbread houses were reportedly inspired by this famous fairy tale.
What is Hansel and Gretel?
The rings on Saturn are comprised mostly (90%!) of this.
What is water?
This company manufactures "the ultimate driving machines."
What is BMW?
This teacher's favorite color is blue.
Miss Jones
This locale's currency is abbreviated as GBP.
What is the United Kingdom?
This type of oil is traditionally used to light the menorah for Hanukkah
What is olive oil?
This country logged 67 orbital launch attempts in 2023.
What is China?
This technology company wants you to "make every second count."
What is TikTok?
The unicorn is the national animal of this country.
What is Scotland?
This country is the world's leading producer of bananas.
What is India?
This teacher's favorite holiday is their birthday.