Which character does Mario always have to save?
Princess Peach
Who famously sang "Hey Jude"?
The Beatles
Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire, all played this super-hero.
What Disney Movie was Elsa a main character?
Which chocolate bar has the slogan "have a break"
Name a popular Christmas song.
Jingle bells, Here comes Santa Clause, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
Dwayne Johnson is nicknamed The ___?
What small animal represents Disney?
A mouse. Mikey Mouse
What animal comes in a chocolate shape during Easter?
A bunny rabbit
A hedgehog
Miley Cyrus
Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt acted as Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean?
Johnny Depp
What did Woody from Toy Story have written on the bottom of his shoe?
What is the most popular holiday for candy?
What was the name of the first video game made?
What does having a "earworm" mean?
When a song is stuck in your head
Who was the lead actress in Hunger Games?
Jennifer Lawrence
What is the name of the large shark in Finding Nemo who said "fish are friends, not food."
What is the slogan for Snickers?
You're not you when you're hungry.
What video game is known as a "sandbox" game?
What is it called when a group of people sing together in harmony on stage?
A choir
Nicolas Cage acted in these popular movies about group of people in search for hidden history.
National Treasure
Aladdin fly's on what household object?
Which candy comes with a toy inside it's shell?
Kinder egg surprise