the first disney princess
snow white
What two things can you never eat for breakfast?
Lunch and Dinner
How many legs a crab have?
What is the name of the fairy in Peter Pan?
If you drop me I'm sure to crack, but give me a smile and I'll always smile back. What am I?
A mirror
How many continents are there in the world?
Name the slowest animal in the world.
Three Toed Sloth
How many Indiana Jones movies were there?
What is the name of the main character in The wizard of Oz?
What kind of fish is Nemo?
Clown fish
A common ladybug has spots of which color
Which seminal 1978 musical movie was set in Rydell High School?
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Sponge bob
Which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly?
In What Animals Is Respiration Done By Skin?
Which fictional city is the home of Batman?
Gotham City
This movie is a family of superheroes
The incredibles
What is so unbelievably fragile that just by speaking its name will break it?
What Counts For 99 Percent Of A Panda’s Diet?
If you watch the Marvel movies in chronological order, which movie would you watch first?
Captain America: The First Avenger