Number 1 cause of Death
Dying / Heart Stops
What is the two-letter abbreviation for the word 'doctor'?
how Mr Howatt prefers his Pizza.
How many board/ card games does Mr Howatt own (including the 6 he just bought) Closest wins without going over.
Why did the coffee taste like dirt?
Because it was ground just a few minutes ago.
Top cause of people falling
What is the process of water turning into vapor called?
the app on your phone (no specific app, just an app)
What is Mr Howatt's 3rd favorite Movie
Muppet Treasure Island
What do you call a mean cow?
beef jerky
Best tool for eating food
What is the plural form of the word "moose"?
No Cap
my son stealing all the toothpaste caps. I have no cap.
At what age did Mr Howatt get his first Cell phone that had data.
23 years old. ( Insert shock and awe here)
Why cant dinosaurs Clap their hands
because they are extinct
What action always results in 1 finger being stuck up
Picking your nose
Who invented the lightbulb?
Thomas Eddison
Clock it
" you've been clocked" someone getting wreaked by a clock.
Mr Howatt was picking out his outfit the other day and he was trying to find a pair of pants to wear. What pants did he choose?
This is a trick question, he wore shorts.
How many storm troopers does it take to change a lightbulb?
None, because they are all on the dark side.
Characteristic of the safest car
No gas/power
What ancient civilization built the Machu Picchu complex in Peru?
Ritz cracker/ twizzler combo
What does mr howatt think the coolest animal is.
Green Sea slug. Don't ask him about it. He will go on a full tangent. I pitty the poor soul who has to listen to this rant.
Can a frog jump higher than a house?
Of course, a house can't jump.