Fractions, Decimals, Percents
Anya really wants to buy a new video game that costs $39.99.Justice had $17.00 saved from her birthday last year. This year she got $28.50. Does Justice have enough to buy the game?
What is yes she will be able to buy the game.
Makenna was playing outside with 8 of her friends. One of her friends scratched her leg and needed to go home. Two of her friends bumped their heads and got a headache and Makenna broke her leg. How many friends did not get hurt?
What is 4 friends did not get hurt.
Joe ate a entire box of Fruit Loops this morning. His box was 6 inches by 2 inches by 3 inches. What is the volume in cubic inches?
What is 36 cubic inches.
Natosha and 4 friends went to a pow wow. They each danced six dances. How many dances did they dance all together?
What is 30 dances
1/2 + 1/2
What is 1 whole
Ovaughn went trick or treating with his little sister. Ovaughn received 61 pieces of gum and 29 candy bars. His sister received 39 peices of gum and 72 candy bars. Did they receive more gum or more candy bars?
What is They received more candy bars. (101 candy bars 100 pieces of gum)
973 balls were in the play area at Mc Donalds. When the 5th graders went there to eat they threw out 256 balls. How many balls were left in the play area?
What is 717 balls were left.
Which has a bigger volume, a cube that is 5 by 5 by 5 or a rectangular prism that is 6 by 2 by 5?
What is the cube.
Keith went to a dirt bike race with his dad. There were 23 kids who entered the Jr. competition. They each had to complete 20 laps. If all the competitors completed each lap, how many laps did Keith complete?
What is 20 laps
7 people went out for recess. 3 were girls wearing red coats and 2 were girls wearing yellow coats and the rest were boys. What is the fraction for the number of students who went out for recess?
What is 7/7 students went out for recess.
845 + 101
What is 946
Seneca had $43.75 that she earned from babysitting. She bought a new guitar pick for $4.99 and she bought Subway for $5.00. How much money does Seneca have left?
What is $33.76
If I wanted to make a box that had double the volume of one that was 4 by 7 by 2, what could a possible new dimension be?
What is 8 by 7 by 2 or 4 by 14 by 2 or 4 by 7 by 4
Cordell wants to have a sleep over on Friday. His mom told him to invite 3 of his best buds. They go shopping and his friends each get 7 giant sized candy bars except Cordell, he gets 8. How many candy bars will they be able to eat that night?
What is they will be able to eat 29 candy bars unless Cordell's mom takes them away!!!
What is 1/4 in decimal form?
What is .25
Jasmin had a rock collection that had 328 rocks. 50 of them were agates, 28 of the rocks were rose quartz, 79 of them were amethyst, and the rest were just regular cool looking rocks. If she picks out only the rose quartz and the amethyst to take to school, how many rocks will she take?
What is 107 rocks. (28 rose quartz and 79 amethyst)
Ms. Dawn's had 257 grasshoppers on her screen door this summer. She sprayed some insecticide and some fell off. 129 of them jumped away. What is the number of grasshoppers that fell off?
What is 128 fell off.
Find the volume of a cube that has all sides as 3 inches.
What is 27 cubic inches
2 X 150
What is 300
Joe, Diego, Keith, and Gabe played football. Dylan, Ovaughn, Elijah, and Cordell played basketball. Makenna, Josie, Jasmin, Tekla, and Naazhe played badmitton. What is the fraction of the students who played without a ball?
What is 5/13 played without a ball.
Gabe's mom told him he had to clean his room. Under his bed he found 14 dirty socks. In his closet he found 9 dirty socks and behind his desk he found 7 more dirty socks. If his mom washes them, how many pairs of clean socks will Gabe have?
What is 15 pairs.
2000 + 400 + 70 + 9 minus 1000 + 200 + 50 + 5
What is 1000 + 200 + 20 + 4 Or 1224
If Naazhe worked in a toy factory and had to design a box to hold 100 cubic inches, what might her dimensions be?
What is (answers will vary) 2 X 25 X2 4 X 5 X 5 10 X 2 X 5
one million seven hundred thousand forty two multiplied by one.
What is one million seven hundred thousand forty two.
1/4 + 1/4 + 1/2
What is 1 whole