What were some things that were limited for former slaves?
Voting rights, not able to protest.
What was the Black Codes also Called ?
Black Laws
How many wars was there in Indian Wars ?
13 different Wars
What is the Civil Rights Movement about ?
The Civil Rights Movement aimed to end segregation and expand voting rights.
what was the exact day slavery ended in the united states?
June 19, 1865
What did black people do as a reaction to discrimination?
Protest,disobedience, and boycotts.
Why did the Indian Wars even Happen ?
The struggle between Native Americans and European settlers over land and resources .
What was the Voting Rights Act of 1965, What Happend ?
which aimed to dismantle segregation and remove barriers that restricted voting access for African Americans
what was the name of the person who ended slavery but got assassinated?
Abraham Lincoln
What did the black codes restrict on former slaves?(you can just say 1 or 2 restrictions)
No rights to vote,object,conducting business,leasing land, or move through public spaces safely.
What was One Notable/ Famous conflict from the era ?
One notable conflict from this era was the American Revolutionary War.
what would happen if former slaves protested?
Discriminated,punished, or ignored.
How did the end of slavery impact the South and its economy?
They were furious and on the brink of seeking independence, as the absence of slave labor severely hindered their ability to produce and sell cotton, the South's most profitable cash crop.
Why were black codes made?
To restrict, and limit rights on black people.
How did the native Americans feel as their land was being stolen?
Angered,sad,revenge,murder, etc..
what did activist do?
Activists, often referred to as abolitionists, played a crucial role in advocating for equality and justice
Why were the former slaves still being segregated, and discriminated?
Because the south still did not like the law and still wanted slaves to grow cotton.
What was one negative impact that has to do with the black codes?
Limited rights, less jobs, etc...
How did some Indians die?
How did the Civil Rights Movement change American society?
It changed the segregation and rights for former slaves.