Dare 1
Say “banana” after everything you say for 10 minutes/or the rest of the day(must be said in English)
Dare 6
Lay down on the ground
Dare 11
Pretend to be an animal (your friend will choose the animal)
Dare 16
Say hi to everyone (literally everyone)
Dare 21
Dare 2
Call your teacher “master “
Dare 7
Tap someone’s back
Dare 12
Say only one word that comes to mind for 2 minutes
Dare 17
Go to the bathroom and make suspicious noises
Dare 22
Kick the person next to you(not hard)
Dare 3
Walk backwards until class ends
Dare 8
Ask someone what he/she wants to eat for dinner
Dare 13
Act like your reading a book
Dare 18
Just run away for no reason
Dare 23
Stand up when the whole class is silent and sitting down and shout “IVE PLAYED THESE GAMES BEFORE “
Dare 4
Pet someones backpack until it’s owner notices
Dare 9
Tell a story
Dare 14
At a random time, go sit on the floor for no apparent reason.
Dare 19
Tag someone you don’t know
Dare 24
Grab something out of the trash and say”ah yes this is just what I was looking for”
Dare 5
Call your friend a random name for an hour
Dare 10
Ask someone to adopt you
Dare 15
Your friend gives u a dare
Dare 20
Play rock paper scissors with your friend
Dare 25
Ask your teacher to many questions