This anime character has the power called, "Half Cold-Half Hot"...
What is Shoto Todoroki?
What is the most popular cartoon on disney channel?
What is Gravity Falls?
Guess this Game: "I'll be your One-Up Girl!"
What is Super Mario Odyssey?
This is a greedy monster who likes shiny things...
What is Tamatoa?
The most annoying song ever made without effort...
What is Baby Shark?
What is the first Magical girl anime?
What is Sally the witch?
Guess the Spongebob Episode!
"Is Mayonnaise an instrument?"
What is Band Geeks?
This Game lets you design characters... And is full of memes...
Guess this Disney Movie: "Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon?"
What is Pocahontas?
This song is mistaken for Japanese...
What is Caramelldansen?
The main character has a Pikachu by his side...
What is Ash Ketchum?
This boy wears a white bear hat...
What is Finn the Human?
The worst game of 2021...
What is Balan Wonderworld?
What is Chicken Little?
Most overrated Disney song...
What is Let It Go?
This girl is an Otaku and likes to throw Tantrums!
What is Umaru-Chan?
This guy likes Lasagna and hates Mondays!
What is Garfield?
A game where you meet rivals and catch creatures!
What is Pokemon?
Guess this Disney Villain: "Now... SING!"
What is Ursula?
Guess the lyrics to the song: "Everything's gonna be alright, everything's gonna be just fine!"
Guess the show's lyrics! "Fighting Evil By the Moonlight..."
What is Sailor Moon?
A girl enters a magical world full of frogs...
What is Amphibia?
The most overrated Video Game song...
What is Megalovania?
Probably the most disturbing disney movie ever released....
What is Pinnochio?
These two songs both have a meaning of rape and sexual abuse...
What is Exorcism and Mind Brand?