True or False About Anxiety
Size of the Problem
Inner Critic vs. Coach
Coping skills
Wise Mind, Emotion Mind, and Reasonable Mind

True or False: Anxiety always means something bad is going to happen."

  • False! Anxiety is just a feeling that doesn't always reflect reality. It's a signal your body gives you, but it doesn't mean something bad is going to happen.


If you spill water on the table, how big is the problem? (Small, Medium, or Big?)

"Small! It’s an easy fix—just wipe it up!


Which voice tells you that you’re not good enough and makes you feel bad about yourself? (Inner Critic or Coach?)"

Answer: Inner Critic!


What is one way to help calm down when you're feeling anxious? A) Yell at the problem, B) Take deep breaths, C) Ignore how you feel?"

Answer: B) Take deep breaths!
Explanation: Deep breathing helps activate your relaxation response and can calm both the body and mind during anxiety.


Which mind is when you’re feeling really emotional and your feelings are taking over? (Wise Mind, Emotion Mind, or Reasonable Mind?)"

Answer: Emotion Mind!

When you’re in Emotion Mind, your feelings are driving your actions, and your emotions can feel overwhelming. You might act impulsively or let your emotions decide what to do.


True or False: It’s okay to feel anxious sometimes, and it doesn’t always mean you're in danger."

Answer: True! Anxiety is a normal emotion, and sometimes it happens even when you're not in danger.


"If you forget to bring your homework to school, how big is the problem? (Small, Medium, or Big?)"

Answer: Medium! It's annoying, but you can probably fix it with a little effort or by asking for help.


Which voice encourages you to try your best and reminds you of your strengths? (Inner Critic or Inner Coach?)"

Answer: Inner Coach!


Which of these is a healthy coping strategy when you're feeling upset? A) Talking to someone you trust, B) Yelling at your phone, C) Ignoring your feelings?"

Answer: A) Talking to someone you trust!
Explanation: Talking things through with someone can help you process emotions and gain a sense of relief.


Which mind uses logic and reason, focusing on facts and not letting feelings take over? (Wise Mind, Emotion Mind, or Reasonable Mind?)

"Reasonable Mind!
Reasonable Mind is all about focusing on facts and logic. You think things through and use reasoning to make decisions without letting your emotions cloud your judgment.


"True or False: Anxiety only affects your mind, not your body."

Answer: False! Anxiety can affect both your mind (thoughts) and body (sweating, shaking, etc.).


If you get into a disagreement with a friend, how big is the problem? (Small, Medium, or Big?)"

Medium! It’s tough, but it can be worked through with communication and understanding.


Which voice might say, 'You can do it, don’t give up!' when you’re feeling down?"

Inner Coach!


Question: "Which coping skill can help you focus on the present moment and reduce stress? A) Meditation, B) Watching TV for hours, C) Playing video games all day?"

Answer: A) Meditation!
Explanation: Meditation helps center your thoughts and calm your mind, making it easier to stay focused on the present moment.


Which mind is a balanced combination of your emotions and logic, helping you make calm, thoughtful decisions? (Wise Mind, Emotion Mind, or Reasonable Mind?)"

Answer: Wise Mind!

Wise Mind combines both your feelings and your logical thinking. It helps you make decisions that take into account your emotions while also considering what makes sense, leading to a calm and balanced approach.


True or False: You can learn ways to manage anxiety, even if you still feel it."

Answer: True! You can learn coping skills that help you manage anxiety without it taking over.


"If you lose your favorite item and can’t find it, how big is the problem? (Small, Medium, or Big?)"

Medium! It’s really frustrating, but you can work through the feeling and maybe find a way to replace or fix it.


Which voice might say, 'You’re always messing up; you’ll never get it right' when you make a mistake?"

Inner Critic!


Question: "Which of these could help you express your feelings when you're feeling upset or anxious? A) Journaling, B) Ignoring your feelings, C) Complaining to a friend for hours?"

Answer: A) Journaling!
Explanation: Writing down your feelings in a journal is a healthy way to express emotions and make sense of what's going on in your mind.


"When you're trying to make a decision, which mind helps you consider both how you feel and what makes sense?"

Answer: Wise Mind!
Explanation: Wise Mind is all about finding a balance. It lets you acknowledge your feelings but also makes sure your decisions are based on what’s rational and what will help you in the long run.


True or False: Anxiety is always something to be afraid of."

Answer: False! While anxiety can feel overwhelming, it’s something you can work through. It doesn't have to control you.


If you break your leg, how big is the problem? (Small, Medium, or Big?)"

Answer: Big! It’s a serious issue that needs immediate attention.


Which voice would be more helpful when you're facing a challenge, the Inner Critic or the Coach?"

The Inner Coach! The Coach helps you stay positive and focused on your strengths.


Which of these is a great way to distract yourself from overwhelming feelings? A) Color or doodle, B) Scroll through social media for hours, C) Play a game on your phone non-stop?"

Answer: A) Color or doodle!
Explanation: Engaging in creative activities like coloring can help you express your emotions and take your mind off stress.


If you’re really upset about something, but you know it’s important to stay calm and make a good choice, which mind should you try to use?"

Answer: Wise Mind!
Explanation: When you’re upset, it’s easy to let emotions take control, but Wise Mind helps you find the middle ground. It reminds you to acknowledge your feelings, like anger or frustration, but it also helps you stay calm and use logic to make a well-thought-out decision. It ensures that you’re not acting impulsively or ignoring important facts, but instead, responding thoughtfully even in difficult situations.
