A joke when you pretend to knock and then you say a joke after that.
What is Knock-Knock Joke?
A bus driver went opposite of the street testing his wife, he passed in front of the policeman and the police didn't stop him, neither it was illegal what he was doing, why?
the man is not driving anything.
I didn't specify if he was driving, though
What is Aurora
A woman who has over-sized lipstick and talks weirdly and dividing her life in two, on youtube. It all started in youtube to make a joke.
What is Marinda Sings
Take away my first letter, I sound the same. take away my last letter, I sound the same. take away my middle letter, I sound the same. I am 5 letter word.
What is EMPTY
So brave and young
What is Pocahontas
This character is mention in 10 seconds in the video, ?then a mother came in the toilet and asked: "Are you standing in the toilet?!"
What is Harry Potter?
It is a one-story pink house, there was a pink person, a pink cat, pink chair, pink table, pink fish, pink computer, pink telephone- everything was totally pink. But what is the color of the stairs
It is a one-story house! There aren't stairs!
A Rose changed her life
What is Belle
This man is so funny has a funny brother, he humiliates himself to make us laugh, also with magic.
What is Collins Key?
A man came to the bar and asked the barman "Can I have some water" but the reaction of the Barman is that he held up a gun in front of the man's face, Why?
The man had a Hiccup, then the barman held the gun to give him a shock.
What is Moana?
All of its memes are funny, cute and grumpy. It is the saddest person/thing but the funniest at all
What is Grumpy Cat?
A beggar has a Brother who is sadly dead. What is the relationship between the beggar and the Brother? The answer is not the 'Brother'.
The 'Beggar' is the sister of the Brother who was dead.
I didn't mention the specified gender, though.