this animal is known for mocking people in the hunger games
mocking birds
this word is used when someone looks good
“and my man. thank you to my man”
what artist should you thank
this cartoon is known for a family of pigs
peppa pig
this dog is known as a man’s best friend
this word is used when you do good
“no place for hate”
mr. stills
what famous band made bohemian rhapsody
this cartoon was aired back in the 2010s where a group of animals would be in the BACKYARD
this dog breed is rhymes with a delicious sweet treat
this word is used when someone is lying
“i’ll spray you if yall don’t stop”
chef amy
this artist has an infamous beef with Drake
kendrick lamar
this cartoon was known for a cat and his fish best friend
amazing world of gumball
this animal is one of the biggest and fastest animals of the jungle
this phrase is used when someone tries you
do you need that?
“guys what should i eat for dinner”
chef amy
this artist came from Gray indiana
michael jackson
this cartoon was about a pig girl and her little brother
these animals are one of the most dangerous yet adorable animals only found in australia
this phrase is used when referring to a person you are in a relationship with
my man my man my mannnn
“sipping from a coffee pot none of you want to touch”
hidden figures
this song is now a meme that only lasted 2 weeks
this cartoon was for kids and adults. the cartoon was about a group of animal friends who would go on adventures to help or rescue one another
mickey mouse