Cartoon Animals
Recipe book
Bizarre Trivia

What “Age” of comics did Loki make his first appearance as Loki Laufeyson in “Journey into mystery #85”

Journey into mystery #85 was published in 1962, making it right in the middle of The Silver Age of comics ( 1957 – 1969 )

2nd place silver medal: Give whoever is in 2nd place right now 100 points


World of Warcraft had a peak player population of 12 million in the year [____]

Double points for naming the then most recent expansion

Blizzard developers announced on 10/7/2010 that WoW had reached 12 million subscribers. This was after the recent launch “Wrath of the Lich king” in China. “Cataclysm” would launch in December of the same year. 


Which came first? Smokey the Bear, The cub named smokey,  post-rescue from a burnt tree after a wildfire? Or the US forest service Icon Smokey the Bear? 

Smokey the bear, the advertising cartoon premiered in 1944

Smokey, the real life bear cub, rescued after the captain gap wildfire was named so in 1950 after the cartoon bear.


Many foods and recipes were born in America, but some are more famous than others. Name at least 5 America made food stuffs out of the 13 most famous for a correct answer. Double points for all 13

Cheeseburger, buffalo wings, Reubens, pecan pie, chocolate chip cookies, s’mores, lobster roll, corn dogs, brownie, ranch dressing, deep dish pizza, Philly cheese steak, tater tots!

Heart attack!
Choose a player to loose 100 points


What was Hirohiko Arakis Manga before JoJo?



Bio-hazard: Whatever player is next to you on the board loses 100 points. If in the middle you choose which one loses points.


In the 2016 4 part series “Vote Loki” Loki announces his run for United States president. What political party does he run under?

Independent, or “[he] stands for all Americans, not a single party” 


This MMO featured characters from several  cartoon network shows, what was it called? Double points for how long it lasted

Fusion Fall (Cartoon network Universe) the game was active from 2009 – 2013 Four years!



Choose to either: 1) Scam the other players out of 200 points each, adding to your score.

2) Give every player 100 points.


Snoopy from the Peanuts and Brian Griffin from family guy share similar looks But are they the same kind of dog? Name what breed of dog Brian or snoopy are. Double points for both.    

Snoopy is a beagle & Brian is a white Labrador retriever!


Lucky there's a family Guy:
Choose to either give only yourself, or everyone 100 points


The Big Apple” is another term for New York. But the worlds largest apple wasn’t grown in new York, or even the United states! Name the country the worlds biggest apple was grown. Double points for the weight of the apple

The worlds largest apple was grown in Hiirosaki city, Japan on 2005. It weighed 4 lbs. 1 oz and was a mix of Crispin and fuji apple


What part of JJBA takes place over the Shortest period of time, which one is the longest? Right for either, double for both 

Golden wind at one week

Part one, which starts with Johnnathan Joestar as a child and ends with his death 1881 to 1889 7 years


Near the end of the 2010’s run of “Siege” Loki dies from being torn apart by “The Voids” tentacles. How is he revived and turns into “Kid Loki”? 

In Siege Loki had Hel remove his name from “The Book of Hell” allowing him to permanently cheat death and be reborn. Though his memories of his past life were gone until Thor found him. 


In Dragon Age: Origins there are 6 origin background stories the player can choose from. But only two of these origins are in the same area. Which two are they? Double points for the location as well 

Noble & Commoner Dwarf. Orzammar


Krypto the super dog, the 2005-07 animated series features several DC Super-pets and some animal villains as well. Name either two of Krypto’s allies or the main antagonist of the series. Both for     double points

Allies; Streaky the super cat, ace the bat hound, 

Antagonist: Mechanikat


Chicken nuggets were first invented in the 1950’s by professor of food science Robert C. baker. What were they originally called?

Chicken Crispies


In part 7 Johnny Joestar had a brother what was his name and how did he die?

Nicholas Joestar, died in a riding accident caused by the horse being scared by Johnny’s White mouse “Danny” being spotted on the track. 

Rat Race:

If you are not in first  yourself 300 points. If you are in first all other players get 200 points


Loki has had many titles added to his name which of these is NOT one of them. “Sorcerer Supreme” “God of Evil“ “Zombie Loki“ “God of     Lies” “Dark Illuminati Member” “Young Avenger”

In “Marvel Zombies” Loki never gets the chance to become a zombie, as he is seen dead and eaten almost completely by the Zombie avengers


On the list of best selling games of all time, the first RPG listed is #11. What is that game? Double points for the amount sold?

The Witcher 3 wild hunt, with 50 million sales

The Hunt:

If correct: Hunt 100 of another players points for your own.

If Wrong: The next player in the order gets to Hunt another players points.


Lisa Simpsons black cat is named “snowball II” but how many “Snowballs” have there actually been?

The current snowball is the 5th cat!


Replace one number in your score with another


Per  the USDA since 1927, there are 8 quality grades to Beef. These grades     are determined by the cows age, the degree of marbling and the     intramuscular fat. Name at least 3 of the 8 grades of beef, or all 8  for double points

Prime, Choice, Select, Standard, Commercial, Utility, Cutter, and Canner.


In JJBA localization several stand and character names are changed in order to prevent trademark or copyright infringement. Give the localization names for Notorious B.I.G , Dirty deeds done dirt cheap, Aerosmith, pearl Jam, vanilla ice, Scary Monsters. Name at least 2 to get the correct answer, 4 for double points and all 6 for triple points. 

Infamously Big, Filthy acts, at a reasonable price, Lil bomber, Pole jam, Cool Ice, Frightening monsters


Relaunched in 2013 “Young Avengers” is a comic series staring younger superhero protagonists. By the end of the series run the group had 12 members, one of which was Loki! Name at least 4 of the remaining 11 for a correct answer, or all 11 for double points

Iron Lad, Patriot, Hulkling, Wiccan, Hawkeye, Stature, Vision, Speed, Miss America, Marvel Boy & Prodigy


In elder scrolls online players can be turned into vampires. Name 2 of the 3 ways a player can be a vampire

Buy it in the crown store, get infected by an NPC, get infected by a player


In the Garfield and Friends Cartoons, Garfield has several of his iconic catchphrases and quotes from the comics, and some new ones for the  cartoon. This quote appeared three times throughout the cartoons run but is considered one of his known catchphrases.      

 "People who sing like that should be dragged out into the street and shot."

"Who ever invented Christmas trees should be dragged out into the street and shot."

"Who ever said getting there is half the fun should be dragged out into the street and shot."


This is regarded as one of the first “mixed drinks” or cocktails     

the Sazerac, a blend of whisky, absinthe, bitters and sugar. Created in New Orleans in the mid-1800s

Happy Hour:

Choose any player, that player does not lose points the next time they would.

In part 2 Joseph Joe star makes a friend in New York city, the two part ways after Joseph defeats Straizo, but he does show up at the final battle against Kars and at Josephs funeral at the end of the part 2. What was this characters name and what became of him post part 2?

Smokey Brown, he went to college for pollical science and became the first African American mayor of his unnamed home town in Georgia. 

Bonus: in part 3 a peace concert flyer is shown that shows smokey is now the mayor of new York city. 
