Chytrids are unique among fungi having flagellated spores called?
What is a common example of an organism found in phylum Zygomycota?
Black bread mold (Rhizopus stolonifer)
How many species are found in Phylum Glomeromycota?
Approximately 160 species
Ascomycetes are also known as?
Sac fungi
Basidiomycetes are commonly known as?
Club fungi
Where are Chytrids found?
In lakes and soil (some in hydrothermal vents underwater)
What kind of relationships do Zygomycetes form with animals?
Parasitic or commensal symbiotic relationships
Glomermycota forms arbuscular mycorrhizae with plant roots, what is arbuscular mycorrhizae?
A symbiotic relationship with plant roots, improving the plant's access to water and nutrients. The fungi colonizers the host plant's tissues ("busts" through)
These fruiting bodies contain the asci and are a defining feature of the Ascomycetes.
A club-shaped cell in which karyogamy occurs
Anaerobic chytrids are found in the digestive tracts of sheep and cattle and help break down plant matter. What kind of relationship is this an example of?
Mutualistic relationship
What type of reproduction do Zygomycetes participate in?
Sexual and asexual reproduction
What percent of plants does Glomermycota form arbuscular mycorrhizae with?
Approximately 80%
What type of reproduction do Ascomycetes participate in?
Sexual and asexual reproduction
Where are basidia found?
In the gills of the basidiocarp
Chytrids are causing a global decline in amphibians, what kind of relationship is this an example of?
A thick-walled structure that arises from a zygote formed by the fusion or conjugation of two hyphal branches, produces spores and is resistant to freezing and drying.
What type of reproduction do Glomeromycota participate in?
Asexual reproduction
Asexual spores called this, are formed at the tips of specialized hyphae called conidiophores.
What type of reproduction do Basidiomycetes participate in?
Sexual reproduction
Chytrids exist in what type of form?
Colonies with hyphae or single spherical cells
Some zygomycetes such as this one, can actually "aim" and shoot their sporangia toward bright light.
Bonus: What is a common example of Glomeromycota?
Gigaspora margarita (a large-spored Glomeromycota species, known for its inability to grow without a host plant)
Plasmogamy results in _______ cells having two haploid nuclei, one from each parent.
Basidiomycetes form can form this interesting structure, according to legend, these mushrooms spring up where fairies have danced in a ring on a moonlit night.
Fairy ring