Social Skills
Cooking Skills
Hygiene Skills
Health Skills
Safety Skills

It is friendly to greet a new person this way.

What is say, "Hello. My name is ______. It is nice to meet you."


Cheese belongs here in the kitchen.

What is the refrigerator.


I just burped. I should do this.

What is say "Excuse me".


It is okay to drink soda with every meal.

What is False.

You should limit your soda intake and drink more water!!


If I just finished using the oven, I need to make sure I do what?

Turn it off


True or False.

When I am out in the community it is okay to stand closely to a stranger.

What is false.

When I am out in the community it is important to use personal space and keep my distance from people I do not know.


Crackers belong here in the kitchen.

What is the pantry.


True or False. 

I just used the bathroom but I'm in a hurry. I don't have time to wash my hands.

What is FALSE. 

You should ALWAYS wash your hands.


True or False. 

It can be helpful to take a break if I am feeling angry.

What is True. 

Taking a break when you are angry can help you calm down.


What do we need to do before we cross the street?

Look both ways. 


True or False.

When someone does not quickly respond to my calls or texts, I should repeatedly call or text them until they respond.

What is false.

They may be busy. Repeatedly calling/texting is not appropriate or respectful. It would be annoying and frustrating to others. It is important to be patient.


When I pack leftover chicken for my lunch, I need to put this in my lunchbox.

What is an icepack.


Before I cook, I always need to....

Wash my hands


True or False.

When playing cards or a board game it is perfectly okay to get angry when you lose.  

What is False.  

It is important to try to be a good sport and congratulate the winner. This is called good sportsmanship.


True or False.

It is okay to wander out of the school during the day?

What is false.

It is never okay to wander out of the school


True or False. 

It is okay to get into someone else's belonging's when they aren't looking.  

What is false.

It is never okay to get into someone else's things.  


True or false. 

I'm hungry! I am going to heat up a quesadilla with cheese in the microwave for (20:00) 20 minutes.

What is false.

(:20) 20 seconds to (1:00) 1 minute may do the trick. 20 minutes is too much and may cause a fire!!!


Name two things you need to clean your teeth.

What is toothbrush, toothpaste


True or False. 

It is ok to sit on the couch and watch TV or play video games all day.

What is False. 

It is important to do something active for 60 minutes (1 hour) every day. 

Walking, dancing, bike riding, hula hooping, swimming, etc.


When riding in the car with your parents, we need to make sure you do what before they start driving?

Buckle your seat belt


If someone is making a noise that bothers me.. how can I ask them nicely to stop?

Can you please stop making that noise

Can you please quiet down



When food is in the oven I should use __________ to get it out. 

What is oven mitts or a potholder.


True or False.

It is before bedtime. I am so tired. I just want to go to sleep. I do not need to brush my teeth.

What is False. 

It is important to brush your teeth every night. You should brush your teeth after every meal or at least twice a day.

What are some tools I can use when I get frustrated?

Fidget, walk, break, sensory break


What should you do when the fire alarm goes off at school?

follow your class outside to our assigned spot
