Bones and injuries
Chronic Disorders
All things arthritis
What could go wrong?
Anything Goes

First and second degree sprains should recover with this combination of treatments described with this acronym.

What is R.I.C.E therapy?


You should avoid alcohol, red meat and lose weight to reduce flares of this disorder.

What is Gout?


These are bony bumps on the distal interphalangeal joint in a person with OA.

What are Heberden’s Nodes? 


Improved stamina, musculoskeletal health, increased flexibility and reduction of risk for metabolic syndrome are examples of the benefits of this.

What are the benefits of regular exercise?


This disorder is characterized by a masklike face and bradykinesia.

What is Parkinson’s Disease?


Weights are used to pull bones into proper alignment by pulling on either skin or pins secured directly into the bone pieces.

What are skeletal traction and skin traction?


About half the people with this disorder have a rash over their cheeks and nose that resembles a butterfly.

What is Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)?


This autoimmune disorder is worse after periods of inactivity, making mornings a slow start before things loosen up.

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?


These are significant nursing considerations for a patient with Parkinson's Disease.

What is the risk of falling, and risk for aspiration?


These are examples of Basic activities of dialy living (ADL'S).

What are mobility, Transferring, Bathing, Dressing, Feeding, Toileting, and continence examples of?


This emergent procedure relieves pressure and restores compromised blood flow for a person with compartment syndrome.

What is a Fasciotomy?


These tissues that are found in our bones, cartilage, tendons ligaments, lymphatic tissue and bone marrow cover, support, and protect our internal structures and organs, and aid in movement.

What is connective tissue?


This repetitive use disorder of overuse is common in machine workers and runners.

What is Osteoarthrits?


This type of medication puts patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis at risk for infection and malignancies.

What are immunosuppressants?


This is the term used when a fracture is caused be an underlying condition that cause the bone to be weakened, such as osteoporosis or malignancies.

What is a pathological fracture?


This is the term used when pins, rods, or screws are used internally to secure a broken bone in proper alignment.

What is Open Reduction with Internal Fixation?


People with SLE can develop rashes and should protect themselves from prolonged exposure to this environmental factor.

What is sunlight, due to photosensitivity?


This disease is characterized by Boutonniere’s, Swan Neck Deformities and Ulnar deviations.

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?


This injury can cause bleeding, hypovolemia, fat embolism, and traumatic rhabdomyolysis.

What is a fractured femur?


This causes plaque formations in the brain that are visible on MRI.

What is demyelination of the neural axon sheath?


CSM is assessed using these

6 P’s of perfusion.

What are: Pain, pressure, paralysis, pallor, paresthesia, pulselessness?


These Gout symptoms are the characteristic findings for this disease of the rich.

What are uric acid crystals in synovial fluid, and Tophi?


In Osteoarthritis, the lubricating synovial fluid is decreased and these bone spurs cause crepitus as the joint moves.

What are Osteophytes?


This occurs most commonly when a blood clot in the lower extremities breaks off and travels through the venous system to wedge in the lungs.

What is a pulmonary embolism?


Using the telephone, writing a check, managing money, preparing meals, grocery shopping, using transportation, are all examples of this.

What are examples of instrumental activities of daily living?
