Where do you go if you are sick
If someone opens the door for you, what do you say
Thank you
This is what you do with a book
read it
This is how you feel if someone steals something of yours
This is what you do before crossing the street
Look both ways
what do you do if you are hungry
go to the kitchen and make something to eat
If you accidentally bump into someone, what do you say
This is what you do before a test
This is how you feel when you get an A on your test
This is what you do before preparing a meal
Wash your hands
What happens if you spill your drink on the floor
clean it up
If you cannot reach something on the top shelf, what do you do
ask for help
This is what you write on
This is how you feel if you are told you are going on vacation
You need to do this if you get hurt
Go to the doctor/call 911/ first aid kit
How do you get to school/grocery store/anywhere you need to go?
bus, walk, car, etc.
What do you do if someone takes your pencil during class
ask for it back/tell the teacher
This is why we go to school
To learn
This is how you feel if someone is being mean
If you see an emergency, what do you do
Call 911/tell someone
What do you do if you are out of groceries?
Go to the grocery store
What do you do if someone in front of you drops their notebook and they do not realize
pick it up for them
What is the work called that we have to take home?
This is how you feel if you do not know how to answer a question on a test
What to do when you are tired